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Tranmere Park Primary School


Reception to Year 1 Transition 2024-2025

Welcome to Our Reception Page

On this page, you will find staffing information and all of our lovely news, along with photographs of what we have been getting up to.

Staff in Reception

Miss Beestin- Robins’ Class Teacher (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday)

Miss Ingram – Bluebirds’ Class Teachers (Tuesday-Friday)

Miss Bell – Bluebirds’ Class Teacher (Monday) and Robins’ Class Teacher (Wednesday)

Mrs Papworth – Teaching Assistant in Bluebirds (4 days)

Mrs Marriott – Teaching Assistant in Robins (4 days)

Miss Allison – Teaching Assistant in Robins and Bluebirds (5 days)

EYFS Phase Governor: Jacky Cooper

Physical Education (PE)

Children in EYFS are taught their physical development through both our outdoor and indoor provision. As part of this, your child will receive 1 Physical Education (PE) lesson per week. For this lesson please can your child come to school wearing their PE kit and a pair of trainers they can put on by themselves.

Bluebirds PE – Thursday (starting in October)

Robins PE – Monday (starting in October)

Book Bags

The children should bring their book bags into school every Monday and Thursday. Book bags will be returned to you on a Monday and Friday. This year we would like to encourage the children to empty their own book bags, so if you have written a message for staff, please can you make sure your child is aware so they can show it to us.

Reading Books

During the first weeks of the Autumn Term, your child will bring home a free choice book on a Monday which should be returned on a Thursday. When book bags are handed back out on a Friday, your child will bring home a different free choice book plus an early reading scheme book. These are to be read over the weekend and returned on Monday.

Initially, the reading scheme books which are given to the children will contain only pictures – this is to encourage them to develop their early reading and story skills through looking at the illustrations.

Free choice books are selected by the children. These are to support our work on ‘Reading for Enjoyment.’ It is not expected that your child will read these books totally independently but rather a book that you share together.

Please make a comment and sign your child’s home/school diary to indicate that they have read their book. You may also use the front of your child’s diary to record any messages for us to read. We may also use them to record messages for you, so please check these regularly.

As the year progresses, your child will begin to bring home an additional phonics scheme book on a Friday. Over the week, we will have read this as a class, building on segmenting and blending and reading flow. This book is to be read at home by the child, with your support, and returned the following Thursday, ready to be swapped over on a Friday book bag return day.

Learning at home

It is expected that all Reception children read with their parent/carer at least twice a week. In order to gain a new book, the children must have a signature and comment in their reading diary from an adult to say that they have read their previous book. They will also have a variety of homework tasks which will start after October half term.

Please feel free to make comments on your child’s homework to let us know how your child managed with the task.

If you have any queries, please contact a member of the Reception team.


After October half term, the children will receive a weekly homework sheet. This will alternate between a Maths and English sheet. This will come home every Friday in your child’s bookbag.  We ask you to mark and talk about your child’s homework, so any misconceptions can be picked up straight away. If you can return your child’s homework (named please) on a Monday in their bookbag we can then share their achievements.

Home time

The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Please can we ask anyone who is picking up to stand to the left of Robins door. This will ensure the safety of us handing the children to you, as the pathway can become very congested at the end of the day due to it leading out to one of the main gates.

Please ensure if you have made any new arrangements for pick ups e.g. your child is going out for a tea, or a last minute alteration to your normal pick up routine that you inform the class teacher or school office either in writing or by telling the teacher that morning.



Class News 

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