Nominations are now being invited for the position of Parent Governor on our school’s Governing Body.
Parent governors play an important role as members of the governing body, which is responsible for directing the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of educational achievement. The term of office for parent governors, as determined by the governing body, is 4 years. The school has high expectations of the time and commitment required from its governors to effectively fulfil their roles. The governing body of our school is made up of parent governors, staff governors and community governors.
We currently have a Parent Governor whose term of office has expired but they would like to remain part of the Governing Board and be re-elected for another 4 years. This Governor has expertise in Health and Safety, finance management and IT skills. This has been very useful for both the school and the governing body. This representative has worked diligently throughout their term of office and continuously had an interest in the school, the welfare of our children and the time and willingness to get involved.
The position of a Parent Governor is nominated or elected from other parents in school. To enable the current Governor to be re-elected, the governing body must offer the position to all parents in case any other parents have would also like to stand for the role.
The expertise in Health and Safety has been valuable to both the school and the governing body and we would appreciate applications from people with similar backgrounds at this time. Are you a health and safety expert? Do you deliver training and courses on health and safety or have you experience in leading health and safety in the workplace?
FOLLOW THIS LINK where you will find some further information about being a governor but if you have questions please feel free to contact us. We would really cherish your involvement and would be very open to discussing how you might be able to add your weight to our efforts. Please feel free to email us on [email protected].