Welcome to Herons’ class page!
You will find all of our news and homework organised by type on a handy one-stop page!
Routines in Herons | Adults in Herons |
PE Outdoor — Wednesday | Miss Delph |
PE Indoor — Friday | Mrs Holgate |
Spellings — Monday | |
Book Bag Days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. More information can be found in the front of the children’s reading diaries.
Heron Class governor: Rob Fordyce
This Week’s Homework – Click the title for more.
KS1 Homework
Each week, children will bring home a weekly homework sheet and new spellings to learn. We will alternate between Maths and English worksheets. Homework will be sent out in book bags on Mondays and should be completed and returned by the following Monday. Please send this homework back into school, noting any difficulties your child …
This Half-Term’s Topic Homework & Knowledge organiser – Click the title for more.
KS1 Homework Grid and Knowledge Organiser Spring 1st Half Term 2024
Please find attached the Knowledge Organisers for this half term including those for Maths, English, Science and this half term’s topic which is ‘Journeys and Transport’. Also attached below is this half term’s homework grid linked to our topic work. On here you will find a variety of homework options. We kindly ask that each …
This Week’s Online Safety Update – Click the title for more.
3.7.24 Online Trolling
Trolling is the act of making inflammatory comments or behaving in an abusive manner online to hurt the feelings of others or provoke a reaction from them It is estimated that in 2022, over a third (34%) of people in the UK who suffered online abuse were specifically victims of trolling. The repercussions of this type …
Latest class news – Click the title for more.
Muddy Puddle Day in KS1
We had a lovely day outside on Thursday. In the morning we took part in a carousel of activities where we practised tying knots; overhand knots, knots for friendship bracelets and fastening shoelaces. (We continued tying shoelaces inside.) In the afternoon, we had a carousel of Victorian games which included football, hoops and sticks, skipping, …
The Evolution of Toys
As part of our topic learning, the children have been learning about the evolution of toys. We have focused on 3 centuries from the 19th century through to present day. We used a simple timeline to identify which elements of this time were ‘within living memory’ and ‘beyond living memory.’We learnt that in the 19th …
KS1 Christmas Concert
Today we performed ‘Simply the Nativity’ to a packed audience. The children did brilliantly and put on a superb show. We hope you enjoyed watching ! Simply the Nativity Programme
Year 2 Visit Abbey House Museum! Exit Point
As our Exit Point to our ‘Toys’ topic, KS1 visited Abbey House Museum. We wanted to learn more about old and new toys and Abbey House Museum have a fantastic toy museum which we could explore. After embarking on a very exciting coach trip (always a highlight) we spent the day accessing toy workshops, exploring …
Favourite Toy Presentations
Today, Herons completed various activities that supported their oracy development. We watched videos of good examples, Miss Bell showed what a bad one would look like and we played games to improve our sentences, how clear we spoke and tried hard to give eye contact. It was great to see everyone improve throughout the day …
Herons Practical Maths-Place Value
Herons have been working hard on their place value to 100. We have used different practical equipment to represent a variety of numbers.
Herons explore ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’
As part of our English work we have been exploring The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. Herons sequenced the story and had fun acting it out.
Herons Get Creative!
In art, the children have been identifying the 3 primary colours – red, blue and yellow. Using these colours, the children then went on to mix the secondary colours – orange, purple and green.The children loved to experiment and recognised that whilst they were all mixing together the same colours, they were all creating slightly …
A WILD Day in KS1
Today, the children got to meet some interesting animals and found out lots of fun facts about them. The animals included: – a very big snake – a very smelly meerkat – a very hairy tarantula – a very wise owl – a very cute tortoise – a very wriggly millipede Ask your children their …
Herons – Measuring in cm and m
This morning, we have been looking at measuring using centimetres and metres. We discussed that there are 100cm in 1m. The class partnered up to measure different objects in our classroom using a 30cm ruler. If objects were slightly bigger than the ruler, we used our finger as a marker and measured the other part …
Year 2 – Measurement (Time)
In Year 2, we have been learning to recognise and tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to). The children have used clocks to show different times, played board games to read different times and have played bingo where they have had to draw different times on a clock. Year 2 are …
Herons – Science (planting progress)
Before half term, Herons planted a variety of different seeds including; spinach, pea and spring onion. We have cared for these plants by giving them plenty of water and sun. We have now had the opportunity to plant them outside as they needed more space to grow.
Herons – Non-chronological texts
In English, Herons have been looking at the key features of non-chronological texts. We spent time looking at a variety of different books to identify key features such as: headings, facts, paragraphs, questions etc. The children enjoyed learning new information about different animals and insects. We finished off our lesson by watching a short clip …
Herons – Science Investigation
Herons have taken part in the Penny Investigation. They had to see how many drops of water they could get on a penny. Once, they did this they tried again to see if they could beat their score. We discussed how doing smaller drops each time would mean we would do more drops. The children …
Tranmere’s Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony
Today, Vision Education re-visited Tranmere to hold their Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony. Over the past few weeks, lots of children (and adults) have been spotted showing ‘hero behaviours’ both in school and within their wider community, and today, they received some certificates and awards in recognition of this. Dylan in Kingfishers also recieved …
Herons Practical Maths – Fractions
This morning, Herons completed a carousel of four different activities including: identifying parts & wholes, finding a half, finding a quarter and making equals.
KS1 Exit Point – Making pizzas!
Today saw the end of our fabulous topic ‘We Are What We Eat’. KS! opened their own Italian restaurant complete with music, flags and pizza making! The children were given a broad range of ingredients and they worked together to identify whether the ingredients came from a plant or an animal. They then utilised a …
School Council – Alternative Playground Provision
Today, School Council have been busy setting up some alternative provisions on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Between now and summer, when the weather is nice, the team will be providing a small chess and colouring area for the children to enjoy.
Herons – Clay Pots Finished!
This afternoon, we finished our pots by painting them using primary and secondary colours, which the children mixed themselves. Take a look at our fabulous work!
Herons – making a fruit salad
Today, Herons made an exotic fruit salad using the wide variety of fruit they brought in to school. We set up different stations for them to work at and practise key skills including: weighing and measuring, chopping (bridge and claw), grating/zesting and juicing, peeling and scooping and pouring and mixing. The children worked really sensibly …
Fitness Friday – Herons and Puffins Buddy Up
This afternoon, Herons and Puffins buddied up for mental health week. Puffins worked in small groups to create fitness circuits for Year 2 to complete. They used a variety of different equipment including tennis balls, bean bags, cricket bats, cones and footballs. Herons and Puffins worked really well together and everybody was feeling more positive …
Herons – Topic Entry Point/Science
In Herons, we have been looking at different seeds and bulbs. The children were given 11 different seeds to investigate which they spent time looking at and feeling. In groups of 3 or 4, they were told to sort them (with no further instruction). All of the groups ordered them by size. We then ordered …
Herons Visit Morrisons
Our topic this half term is ‘We Are What We Eat.’ As part of our topic work, we are learning about where our food comes from. Today, we visited Morrisons and were shown round by their ‘Community Champion.’ We visited the Market Street and the Butchers, Fishmongers, Cheesemongers, Bakery, Fruit and Vegetable section and we …
Herons – Maths Equal Groups (sharing)
In Herons, we have been looking at equal groups by sharing. The children worked in partners to work out division problems by using different concrete resources.
Herons – Coil Clay Pots
In Herons, we have used clay to create our own dipping bowls. The children rolled and coiled the clay and used slip and smoothing tools to attach the coils together. They created their own patterns on their dipping bowls using different tools. When they have dried, the children will paint them using primary colours and …
Puffins and Herons Join Together for PE
This half-term in PE, Puffins are learning tennis. Today, they teamed up with Herons to teach them some of the skills they’ve been practising.
KS1 Muddy Puddles Day 23.4.24
Today, KS1 completed their Muddy Puddles day for the Summer term. Thankfully the weather stayed dry (on the whole) and we were able to spend the day outside exploring a range of engaging and exciting activities. Throughout the day, the children explored 3 activities. They included ‘Gone with the Wind’; an activity based on the …
Chess Club Begins for UKS2
After running for years 1, 2, 3 and 4, it’s now UKS2’s chance to start chess club. If you are currently in Puffins, Kingfishers or Doves and would like to come to chess club, it will run on a Monday playtime with Miss Ingram in the KS2 shared area.
School Council / Vision Education Easter Competition
Over the past few weeks, School Council have been encouraging all pupils to take part in Vision Education’s design an Easter Egg competition. All entires were collected by the council team and sent to Vision Education and today, the winners were announced… 1st – Lucy B, 2nd – Zaiba K, 3rd – Neveyah P. A …
Herons make a freestanding tower (round 2!)
Throughout our topic, we have been learning about various structures from around the world (including towers) and have been thinking about what makes them stable. The children have been taught a range of strengthening techniques and today, utilising this key knowledge, they designed and made a freestanding tower. The children attempted this activity 6 weeks …