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Reception – Summer 2 Knowledge Organisers and Topic Homework

Please see attached the Topic Homework Grid and Knowledge Organisers for Summer 2. Knowledge Organiser Summer 2 Topic Homework Grid Maths Knowledge Organiser Summer 2 English Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Reception Homework 4/12/20

Good afternoon All the children have had a good week back. They have enjoyed been with their friends. This week we have looked at our words lists. If you can keep going with these at home on a daily basis this will really help your child. You could hide them around the house, find them …

Reception Homework – 13.11.20

This weeks homework is English. Please complete the initial sound sheet. We have also focused on the sounds e, u, r, and ck. See if you can find anything that begins with these sounds in your house. We have also been looking at the words – it, and, is, the, a, go, no ,at, I, …

Reception Homework

Welcome back to a new term. The children have had a great first week back. Our new topic is all about different ‘Celebrations.’ This term also sees the start of us introducing homework. This can be found either on the school website or Google Classroom. Each week we will set an English or Maths task. These …

KS1 Homework – W/C 28.09.20

This week children are bringing home their weekly homework sheet. We will alternate between SPaG and maths worksheets.  Homework will usually be sent out in book bags on a Monday and completed by the following Monday. Please do not send this homework back into to school. Feel free to message us on Google Classroom if …

KS1 Homework – 23.09.20

Children will be bringing home their first SPaG homework in book bags today (Wednesday 23rd September). Homework will usually alternate between maths and English/Spag. Homework may be used to support other areas of the curriculum, particularly in the lead up to the phonic screening check (Y1) and SATs (Y2). The homework needs to be completed …

UKS2 Homework Grid and Knowledge Organisers

English Knowledge Organiser Classic Fiction Knowledge Organiser – Express Yourself (1) Maths Knowledge Organiser for Year 5 & 6 (Autumn 1) 56 homework grid express yourself 2020-21 UKS2 Science Knowledge Organiser – Electricity

Homework coming soon…

Nothing to see here yet.

LKS2 Maths Skills

There are three Maths Skills sheets in the printed packs. For each one, a blank sheet and accompanying answer sheet are attached below. Please mark the sheet with your child so that any misconceptions can be addressed. Stage-3-Check-13 Stage-3-Check-14 Stage-3-Check-15 Stage-4-Check-13 Stage-4-Check-14 Stage-4-Check-15Stage-3-Check-13-AnswersStage-3-Check-14-AnswersStage-3-Check-15-AnswersStage-4-Check-13-AnswersStage-4-Check-14-AnswersStage-4-Check-15-Answers

LKS2 Grammar Hammer

There are three Grammar Hammer sheets in the printed packs. For each one, a blank sheet and accompanying answer sheet are attached below. Please mark the sheet with your child so that any misconceptions can be addressed. Stage 3 Check 15 Stage 3 Check 14 Stage 3 Check 13 Stage 4 Check 15 Stage 4 …
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