Year 2 have been continuing their work on money and today we were making exact amounts and thinking of different ways of making the same amount. Children were invited to Skylarks shop to buy a toy. They had to choose the toy, read the price tag, and make the exact amount because unfortunately Miss Bell …
This summer, Queen Elizabeth II has her platinum jubilee – the longest reign of any British monarch! In the 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways. Each year group at Tranmere Park have researched a decade and created a collage. These collages, collected as one, tell a story …
Miss Bell and I would just like to say how proud we are of ALL our Year 2 children for being absolute superstars and working very hard over the last couple of weeks. Today, the children were rewarded with an ‘Outdoor Activities’ session with Mr Joynson and all had a fabulous time! Take a look …
To conclude our fruit based activities (linked to the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo), today the children practised their food technology skills preparing a fruit salad. The children used the bridge and claw techniques to cut the fruit and to prepare it for eating. We then spent our afternoon break time enjoying our creation!
Colour mixing in Skylarks | 13 May 2022
Skylarks did some colour mixing today and learnt the primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and the secondary colours (green, purple, orange and brown). They carefully mixed paint to create a colour wheel and then did some colour ‘additions’.
KS1 Science Glitter Germs | 13 May 2022
KS1 learnt how important it was to have good hygiene and wash their hands carefully this week. We pretended that different coloured glitters were different germs. The children chose a glitter and rubbed it onto their hands. Next, they shook hands with their classmates and discovered how easily it spread. We discussed all the times …
In today’s maths lesson, we took our learning outside and enjoyed using chalk to draw out representations of fractions on the playground!
The children took part in a range of activities including measuring and comparing the size of their hands, planting a range of seeds (linked to our topic work on food – lettuce, radishes, cress, peas etc) and learning about the wind. The children enjoyed finding the direction that the wind was travelling in and using …
As our exit point, the children worked in groups to create their own tower. They only had newspaper, scissors and sellotape and had to utilise many of the techniques that they had learnt during this unit.The children used strengthening techniques such as rolling, folding and layering. They also knew to have a wider base and …
Well today’s Muddy Puddle’s Day was certainly Muddy! Despite the sudden drop in temperature and the wet, drizzly weather, we all had a fantastic time participating in a range of outdoor learning activities. We built dens, looked at the different parts of a plant, completed sketches and participated in a fitness workshop with Mrs Holland. …