Skylarks News

This half term, our topic is ‘Journeys and Transport.’ As our entry point, the children worked in pairs to create their own travel mat. We made sure that we made mats for road, rail, air and water transport so that the children can piece them all together next week to make a large small world …

We had a lovely day outside on Thursday. In the morning we took part in a carousel of activities where we practised tying knots; overhand knots, knots for friendship bracelets and fastening shoelaces. (We continued tying shoelaces inside.) In the afternoon, we had a carousel of Victorian games which included football, hoops and sticks, skipping, …

In maths, Year 2 have been learning strategies for adding three 1-digit numbers together. They practised representing addition number sentences in different ways and completed challenges to secure their understanding. Great work, Year 2!

Today we performed ‘Simply the Nativity’ to a packed audience. The children did brilliantly and put on a superb show. We hope you enjoyed watching ! Simply the Nativity Programme

As our Exit Point to our ‘Toys’ topic, KS1 visited Abbey House Museum. We wanted to learn more about old and new toys and Abbey House Museum have a fantastic toy museum which we could explore. After embarking on a very exciting coach trip (always a highlight) we spent the day accessing toy workshops, exploring …

As our Exit Point to our ‘Toys’ topic, KS1 visited Abbey House Museum. We wanted to learn more about old and new toys and Abbey House Museum have a fantastic toy museum which we could explore. After embarking on a very exciting coach trip (always a highlight) we spent the day accessing toy workshops, exploring …

As part of our topic learning, the children have been learning about the evolution of toys. We have focused on 3 centuries from the 19th century through to present day. We used a simple timeline to identify which elements of this time were ‘within living memory’ and ‘beyond living memory.’ We learnt that in the …

In Maths, we have been learning about place value and have been comparing numbers within 10. Using the vocabulary of ‘greater than’ and ‘fewer than’, the children sorted numbers accordingly. Some children completed a dominoes investigation whereas others had to pick up an amount of objects and, using their mathematical skills, identify which image had …

Today, our Year 2 children used their knowledge on place value to add multiples of 10 to a number. The children worked with practical apparatus initially and once they were confident, moved on to adding using pictorial representations. The children demonstrated a fantastic understanding of our learning and impressed us with their enthusiasm.

As part of our work on Oracy (speaking and listening), the children have been developing their ability to ‘Be A Speaker.’ We have focused on the key stills of speaking – giving eye contact, speaking in full sentences, speaking clearly and for the Year 2s, also using hand gestures. To practise these key skills, the …
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