Red Kites News

Red Kites Investigate… | 28 Mar 2022

This morning, Red Kites stepped into the weird and wonderful world of non-Newtonian fluids. We learnt how, when force is applied, the fluid behaves like a solid! Have a look at the pictures below.

Before starting our new fractions unit today, we have re-capped on our previous learning from KS1. To do this, we used some very delicious looking pizzas to recall our understanding of what a fraction is, recognise and make halves, quarters and thirds and, discuss equal parts and creating a whole.

Red Kites spent the morning learning how to recreate the water cycle with a few simple pieces of equipment.

Today in Maths, we have been learning how to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using the bus stop method! Once we had practised the basic method, we went on to using it to solve tricker division sums that included remainders. Using this method showed us the importance of knowing, understanding and using our multiplication …

This afternoon in Red Kites, we took a look at how the strength of earthquakes are measured. To begin with, we had a discussion as to how we thought we could measure the strength of earthquakes. We talked about looking at the damage it had caused to the planet or by thinking about how it …

Red Kites have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day today! We have spent some time, both this morning and this afternoon, buddying up with Eagles, where we read some of our favourite books to each other and had a go at creating our own book front covers and books. Our teachers were very …

In Maths today, we have started to multiply 2-digit by 1-digit numbers. To do this, we re-capped on our previous learning of place value and partitioning. After discussing the methods we could use, we worked in pairs to solve different problems. To finish the lesson, we had a go at being the teacher, explaining how …

This week, LKS2 were visited via zoom by a Geologist named Chris. In this session, we learned all about the role of a geologist and what the future of geoscience might look like. We also recapped our learning on volcanoes and earthquakes and then found out all about what can happen when a volcano erupts …

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the focus this year is ‘Growing Together’. Today, the children took part in ‘Dress to Express Yourself’. Red Kites have created their own support bubbles in class this week. They have written the names of people around their balloons who have helped them to grow or have …

This half-term in English, we have been looking at setting descriptions. After editing and improving some WABOLLs (What a bad one looks like) last week, today, we have created a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) as a class. To start with, we chose our scenes to create the base for our setting. Then, …
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