Today in LKS2, we have had our Muddy Puddle Day which focused on our Topic, Temples Tombs and Treasures. Throughout the day we have engaged in 4 different activities, discovering and learning lots about the Ancient Egyptians whilst also working creatively, collaboratively and independently. Task 1 – Pyramids with Miss Ingram. For this task, we …
This morning in Red Kites, we have been researching information to help us with our instruction writing. We used our books, iPads and homework pieces to gather lots of facts about the mummification process. We then shared these with the class and tried to link our research to each step of the mummification process that …
Today in Red Kites, we rounded off our learning of fractions by completing a skittles investigation! Thinking about all of the objectives we’ve covered in this topic, we used our packets of skittles to come up with various facts, sums and questions to share with the class. We shared findings on fractions of amounts, ordering …
In English this morning, we have put together our previous learning about mummifying a tomato, to act out the process of mummifying a real body. We started by re-capping the steps we took to mummify our tomatoes, discussing what each step represented in relation to mummifying a real person. Then, we set off in our …
This morning in maths, we have been learning all about equivalent fractions. To begin with, we recapped on our understanding of what a fraction is, what they show/represent and with the help of pizzas (our favourite visual for learning about fractions), how the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction we have. Next, we were …
This afternoon in Red Kites, we have been learning about lots of different vocabulary that will feature throughout our Temples, Tombs and Treasures topic. To begin with, we had a go at matching different vocabulary to their definitions and pictures, before learning more about each word.
This week in LKS2, we have started our new topic, Temples, Tombs and Treasures. As our entry point, we have mummified tomatoes! We are going to be keeping an eye on our tomatoes as the topic progresses, in order to see if we were able to successfully preserve them…ready for the after-life!
In LKS2 this week, we have been rounding off our learning of Planet Earth. To do this, we carried out a DT focused exit point on making kites. To begin, we carried out some research on the famous Homan Walsh. Discovering how he used a kite to make a bridge! This led us to the …
Today in topic, we had a go at creating some reflection art. To begin with, we discussed the different places we might see reflections (in mirrors, water, shiny metal, glasses and windows). Then, we looked at some famous reflection artists, Simon Hennessy, Anish Kapoor and Leonid Afremov. Finally, we had a go at creating some …
Today in English we have had a go at editing a WABOLL (What a bad one looks like) based on the story ‘Home Sweet Home’. We started off by TRACKing the story, editing basic punctuation, direct speech and possessive apostrophes. After this, we had a go at improving the current vocabulary and sentences that had …