Herons News

In maths, Year 2 have been learning to recognise a half, a quarter and a third. We took our learning outside to practise finding equivalent fractions and finding fractions of amounts. We had great fun!

SATS Information Presentation 2023

This afternoon saw the start of our fantastic new topic – People of the Past (Famous Nurses). During this topic, the children will be learning about three famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. Today, the children utilised books, fact sheets and Ipads to research these 3 key figures from history. The …

Today, we secured our knowledge of odd and even numbers. We learnt that all even numbers are multiples of 2 and therefore can be divided equally into 2 groups. All odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9. As part of our lesson, we investigated whether statements related to odd and even numbers …

After helping promote Earth Day, School Council have been keen to do more to help our planet, particularly through helping the wildlife. This week, we have had a go at creating our very own recycled bird feeders to hang up around the School grounds. We had so much fun making them and are very pleased …

Today was KS1’s Muddy Puddle day. The children had a fantastic time on their local walk to Thorpe Lane Woods. The children learnt how to walk on uneven terrain and how to carry a stick safely (hand over the top and down like a walking stick).

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries over the past couple of months. We have now collected a total of 6400 batteries! A big thank you also, to our school council team who have been making multiple trips to the recycling points to ensure all of these get …

Thank you all our wonderful parents for coming into Heron’s class to see the amazing work the children have completed since September. The children absolutely loved giving you a tour of the classroom, showing off their FABULOUS work and completing a piece of Topic work with you. We hope you enjoyed seeing our classroom too!

This half term our topic has been ‘Our World.’ Throughout this topic, we have learnt about the seasons, weather and in art, we have looked at the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy. Yesterday, Year 2 visited Harlow Carr Gardens to access a workshop entitled ‘Signs of the season.’ Children explored the grounds, identifying signs of …

This week, KS1 have created their own ephemeral art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We looked at some examples of his work before venturing outside to create our own.
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