Today, we have been investigating the repeating patterns that we might find on fabrics. We discussed how it might be the colours or shapes that are repeated within a pattern. We looked at different artists, explored lots of different examples and shared our ideas with our partner and class. We then used felt tip pens …
Today was our final performance of ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’. KS1 did brilliantly and made us all proud. Here are photos of all are fantastic performers. Well done KS1! The Angel who nearly missed it all Programme 2023
On behalf of School Council and AVSED, we would just like to say a huge thank you to all pupils who contributed to the AVSED Christmas Appeal. All cards, pictures and decorations were collected this by Michelle, who was blown away by our efforts and kindness. Your kind words and creative pictures will certainly make …
This week, Year 2 visited Bradford Industrial Museum. As part of our topic ‘All Dressed Up,’ we wanted to learn how cloth is made from wool. We got to complete the process ourselves – sorting the wool, carding, spinning and finally weaving. We learnt about the life of children in the mills over 100 years …
In small groups, we have created sand sculptures of things we might see at the beach or in the sea. We used different tools to create texture and pattern.
This morning, for our Topic exit point, we had a special visit from Red Kites and shared our AMAZING artwork with them. Herons has the opportunity to discuss their artwork with Red Kites. They spoke about the different media and techniques they used and which piece was their favourite. Red Kites were really impressed with …
This week, KS1 have started their new English unit on recipes. They began by learning that recipes are a type of instruction and instructions are examples of non-fiction. Then, they spent time exploring a range of recipes, using discussion questions as a prompt. We also started to identify the common features of recipes, including a …
KS1 Computing Day
Today, the children had a topic themed day to conclude our computing unit for this half term. During this half term, we have been learning about the different parts of a computer and input devices. To round off our topic, the children investigated, went on a technology safari and invented their own creations which required …
Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …
In maths, Year 2 have been learning to compare and order numbers to 100. Firstly, they compared two numbers using more than, less than, equal to and inequality signs. They focused on identifying the tens and ones in each number to help them. They then ordered sets of numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest …