Today we talked about World Earth Day. This year’s theme is ‘Invest in Our Planet’. We learnt about ways we can help protect our planet by recycling, saving water, or  simply just turning of the lights when we leave the room. We created posters, developed our fine motor skills and made world suncatchers.       …

EYFS Entry Point ~ Amazing Animals! | 18 Apr 2023

It was like a jungle in EYFS today. The children enjoyed the story ‘The Animal Boogie’ and then took part in a carousel of activities which included having their face painted, decorating snake biscuits, making animal masks and adding instruments to ‘The Animal Boogie’ story. We even arranged some sunshine for our picnic lunch ☀️. …

Reception Feed Me Please – Exit Point | 30 Mar 2023

Today we completed our topic – ‘Feed, Me Please.’ This morning we made our own sandwiches from the cress seeds we had grown. We were very good at spreading the butter and cutting the sandwich in to quaters. We also continued to learn about how food can change. We found out that when we heat …

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries over the past couple of months. We have now collected a total of 6400 batteries! A big thank you also, to our school council team who have been making multiple trips to the recycling points to ensure all of these get …

Today is World Poetry Day! To help celebrate, School Council have hosted a poetry writing competition. There were lots of amazing entries and they found it incredibly hard to judge! In assembly this morning, 2 winners were announced… Ruby from Herons and Luca from Woodpeckers. A huge well done to everybody that entered! Below are …

After a successful term of running ‘Chill Out Tuesday’ for KS2 children, School Council have now swapped their club to allow Reception and KS1 children to attend. So far, it’s been very popular! The children have loved mixing with each other through playing board games, building models, reading, drawing, crafting and dancing (thanks to DJ …

This week is British Science Week. We read a story called The Most Important Animal of All. When reading, we talked about how different animals bring different things to our environment and the world around us. We thought that tigers were the most important. We found out lots of facts. Did you know a tiger …

We have had a super day learning all about birds. We took to the school fields and outdoor classroom to make our own binoculars and then quietly waited to see which birds flew by. It was really nice to sit and hear the birds singing. We learnt about where a bird would build it’s nest …

In PE this morning we use showed off our ball skills. After a quick warm up we learnt how to throw, catch and kick the balls with great control.            

Bluebird’s Drop In | 03 Mar 2023

At Bluebird’s drop in children were taking part in activities linked to Handa’s Surprise e.g. making fruit skewers, turning old CDs into a piece of fruit (!) and clipping the correct number of pegs onto pictures of fruit. We then had a quick dough disco and finished with the French song ‘Deux Petits Oiseaux’. They …
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