Author Archives: wrightr

As part of our work on addition, the children applied their skills to a problem solving game called ‘Strike it Out.’ The children had to write addition calculations to 20, crossing out each of the numbers they used. Whilst writing many addition calculations, the children used a broad range of numbers. The challenge was to …

In topic, Eagles class have been learning about Florence Nightingale. The children watched a film clip about her life and then worked in groups to share and record key facts. The children learnt a lot about her and will continue to develop their knowledge over the coming weeks.   Did you know that… -Florence Nightingale …

We concluded our work on shape by exploring repeating patterns. The children looked carefully at the repeated blocks and then worked with a partner to extend the pattern, identifying the 2D and 3D shapes.

In Eagles, we have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties. In the first lesson we learnt to recognise and name different 2D shapes. We used resources such as lollipop sticks and straws to create a range of 2D shapes and had to solve problems. In the second lesson, we began to sort 2D …

Today was KS1’s Muddy Puddle day. The children had a fantastic time on their local walk to Thorpe Lane Woods. The children learnt how to walk on uneven terrain and how to carry a stick safely (hand over the top and down like a walking stick). The children also took part in an outdoor music …

This half term our topic has been ‘Our World.’ Throughout this topic, we have learnt about the seasons, weather and in art, we have looked at the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy. Yesterday, Year 1 visited Harlow Carr Gardens to access a workshop entitled ‘Signs of the season.’ Children explored the grounds, identifying signs of …

In maths today, the children used concrete apparatus to find one more and one less than a number to 50. They recognised that they could use their knowledge of numbers to 10 to support their understanding (1 more than 6 is 7 so 1 more than 36 is 37) and began to use a 0-50 …

This afternoon in Eagles we learnt about the four seasons. Using props, we learnt about the kinds of weather and things we might see during the different seasons. We sorted some objects correctly, created our very own season wheel and discussed all the new things we had learnt!

Today saw the first of three visits from the Leeds Library Bus. Each of the children in Robins and Bluebirds spent time on the bus this afternoon, listening to stories being told by the onboard librarian, singing songs and exploring the wonderful array of books. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and are already looking forward …

Today saw the start of our new topic – but what was it going to be? Today, the children were given an orienteering challenge. Using a simple orienteering map and key, the children had to find letters hidden around the school site. Once all of the letters had been found, our new topic would be …
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