Author Archives: wrightr

Thank you to all of our families who sent in a piece of fruit for our topic work! Today saw the first of our fruit based activities – observational drawings! The children explored a broad range of fruit including dragon fruit, avocado, pomegranates, passion fruit, mango and much more. The children spent time carefully drawing …

Today Eagles class have been consolidating their understanding of number bonds to 20 by making links with number bonds to 10. The children took part in a range of practical activities using part whole models, Ipads, pegs and problem solving tasks!

The children took part in a range of activities including measuring and comparing the size of their hands, planting a range of seeds (linked to our topic work on food – lettuce, radishes, cress, peas etc) and learning about the wind. The children enjoyed finding the direction that the wind was travelling in and using …

As part of our topic work this half term, Eagles have been learning about primary and secondary colours. Today, the children identified the 3 primary colours (red, yellow and blue) and learnt how to mix the secondary colours using these. The children effectively used red and blue to make purple, blue and yellow to make …

Well today’s Muddy Puddle’s Day was certainly Muddy! Despite the sudden drop in temperature and the wet, drizzly weather, we all had a fantastic time participating in a range of outdoor learning activities. We built dens, looked at the different parts of a plant, completed sketches and participated in a fitness workshop with Mrs Holland. …

As our exit point, the children worked in groups to create their own tower. They only had newspaper, scissors and sellotape and had to utilise many of the techniques that they had learnt during this unit. The children used strengthening techniques such as rolling, folding and layering. They also knew to have a wider base …

To celebrate World Maths Day, Eagles class took part in a range of fun problem solving activities. Mr Learmonth had been so busy with Maths in Year 6 that he had got himself all in a muddle and Eagles class were quick to solve his maths problems, using a range of strategies to calculate the …

This week, Eagles have been continuing their learning about structures. We have learnt about different strengthening techniques and have worked in groups to design our own towers. We then tested the stability of our towers by creating them using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We worked well in groups of 4 and made sure that we …

Today Eagles have travelled the world looking at a range of amazing structures. We visited Paris and viewed the Eiffel Tower before travelling thousands of miles to Sydney in Australia to see the Sydney Opera House. The children worked in groups to explore different structures. In groups, children had to answer the key question: What …

Today the chicks moved into Eagles classroom for their last few days at Tranmere. We were all extremely excited! This afternoon we got the chicks out and had the opportunity to hold them and take care of them. In Science we have been learning about the basic needs of living things. We took great care …
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