In topic, Eagles have been learning all about Mary Seacole. In the first lesson, we watched a video about Mary’s life and wrote about what we had learnt. In this lesson, we went outside into the playground and placed events in Mary Seacole’s life onto a timeline in chronological order.
In Maths this week, Eagles have been looking at doubles and near doubles within 20. They confidently added spots to their ladybirds or selected Numicon to represent all of the doubles to 20. Eagles then used their knowledge of doubles to help them calculate near doubles like 7+8.
Thank you to all parents who managed to make our Phonics Information Evening. For any one who couldn’t attend, please find our presentation attached. Do not hesitate to ask the Y1 teachers if you have any questions regarding your child and their phonics. Phonics Information Evening 2023
Mason, Eagles school council representative, talked to the class about Earth Day, which is happening on Saturday 22nd April. We had a chat about how we could invest in our planet and look after the Earth. We read stories and then talked about how we could help clean up the planet and help sea life. …
Please find attached the Homework Grid for our topic this half-term, People of the Past-Famous Nurses. Please complete at least one activity from the grid over the next four weeks and send it back in to school to share. The Knowledge Organisers for Topic, English, Maths and Science are also attached. KS1 Homework grid People …
Thank you for supporting all the PTA events. A small team work tirelessly throughout the year to provide events and experience for Team Tranmere. The money raised is essential to our school funds. Here are just some of the things we have purchased this academic year: Computers Books to support new topics Scheme books New …
In Eagles today we have used greater than, less than and equal to symbols to compare two numbers within 50. Eagles put lots of effort in to choose the correct symbols to compare their two numbers.
On Wednesday afternoon, Eagles created their own ephemeral art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We looked at some examples of his work before venturing outside to create our own.