Author Archives: Miss Elliott

In maths, we have been practising counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10. Today, we made spiral number snakes. We decorated the snakes, wrote out our chosen number pattern, cut them out and practised reading the snake’s number pattern out loud, forwards and backwards. A fun morning! Take a look at our pictures below.

This half term our topic is ‘The Magic Toymaker.’ In PE, we have been focusing on Toys that tidy up! We created and developed a variety of actions and movements that travel and change direction and speed. Can you work out which different toys we have acted out?!

This half term our topic is ‘The Magic Toymaker.’ Herons were very excited to receive a hand written letter from The Magic Toymaker. He had given us a very important job! Our job was to design and make toy cars for young children for Christmas. The cars needed to be colourful, robust and have moving wheels …

We combined our Muddy Puddle Day with our exit point and spent the day exploring the trees within our school grounds. We learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees, identified the names of trees by looking closely at their leaves and then completed a tree/leaf study. The biggest challenge of the day for us …

This half term our topic is ‘Our World.’ To find out the title of our topic, Heron class completed an orienteering exercise. We used maps and keys to identify key locations around the school grounds and used this information to help us find a range of hidden letters. Once we had found all of the …

LKS2 Maths Skills

There are three Maths Skills sheets in the printed packs. For each one, a blank sheet and accompanying answer sheet are attached below. Please mark the sheet with your child so that any misconceptions can be addressed. Stage-3-Check-13 Stage-3-Check-14 Stage-3-Check-15 Stage-4-Check-13 Stage-4-Check-14 Stage-4-Check-15Stage-3-Check-13-AnswersStage-3-Check-14-AnswersStage-3-Check-15-AnswersStage-4-Check-13-AnswersStage-4-Check-14-AnswersStage-4-Check-15-Answers

LKS2 Grammar Hammer

There are three Grammar Hammer sheets in the printed packs. For each one, a blank sheet and accompanying answer sheet are attached below. Please mark the sheet with your child so that any misconceptions can be addressed. Stage 3 Check 15 Stage 3 Check 14 Stage 3 Check 13 Stage 4 Check 15 Stage 4 …

Wrens – Perimeter | 14 Jan 2020

To end our length unit in maths, we helped Professor Lockhart measure the perimeter of potential enclosures for his dinosaurs. To do this, we worked in teams to create rectilinear shapes using different lengths of fencing, whilst making sure that the enclosures met the groups criteria. Afterwards, we came together as a class to share …

Wrens – Perimeter | 09 Jan 2020

In groups, we worked out the dimensions and perimeter of objects around and outside of school in order to secure our knowledge of working out the perimeter of rectangles. We talked about the different units of measurements and applied our understanding to the real-life objects that we were measuring.  

Wrens Footprints from the Past Entry Point | 28 Nov 2019

We discussed how our toy dinosaurs could be sorted into different groups. We learnt that grouping dinosaurs based on their features helps us to recognise which type of dinosaur they are. Later, we worked in groups to sort dinosaur statements into myths and facts. Throughout our topic unit we will find out if we were …
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