As part of our topic ‘All Dressed Up’, the children designed and made their own T-shirts. They used joining techniques such as sewing, stapling, gluing and safety pinning alongside coiling, rolling, fringing and stamping to create their finished product. As our exit point, KS1 put on a fashion show for Red Kites and Puffins. They …
This week in DT, KS1 have learnt that fabrics can be sewn together, glued, stapled or safety pinned. We also learnt design techniques such as fringing, coiling and rolling. We had a go at completing these techniques ourselves, in preparation for creating our own T-shirts next week. Take a look at our work below!
To begin our new writing unit on instructions, today we read and enjoyed a variety of different recipes. We were able to identify some key features of the recipes and answered the following questions in our groups: Why does each recipe have a title? How do you know what you will need for each recipe? …
Today, Herons took part in an interactive ‘I Like Myself’ anti-bullying workshop. The children were reminded that they are each different and that this makes them special. To remind them of this, they learnt a song called ‘It’s Good to Be Me’. The children are looking forward to singing it to their families after school! …
In today’s maths lesson, Herons spent some time sorting various number sentences into true or false piles. We used cubes to help us and were able to support our answers by showing the inverse.
To begin our new topic, All Dressed Up, we looked at different types of materials that could be woven. As a class, we wove paper to create a pattern. The task was tricky but the concentration was impressive!
For our ‘Hooray Let’s Go On Holiday’ exit point, Skylarks and Herons held an art gallery to showcase all of their recent artwork. They showcased their use of charcoal, pencil and pastel, alongside techniques such as pointillism. KS2 children, teachers and Mrs Finley all enjoyed visiting the art gallery and asked the artists lots of …
This week, Herons have been learning about and celebrating Black History Month. Firstly, we enjoyed watching a virtual performance, called Come An’ See Anansi, created by Bigfoot Arts Education. We then talked about key figures today and in history who have achieved great things. Lots of the children enjoyed revisiting information about Mary Seacole’s life and …
This morning, we continued working on developing our partition skills using a place value chart. We practically split numbers into different combinations of tens and ones using apparatus. Some pupils noticed a pattern and began to mentally partition numbers in lots of different combinations.
This week, we were joined by Jane and Sonny to learn about worries. We learnt that it’s ok to have worries and that it’s also great to share our worries with others! We also learnt lots about how to look after ourselves and each other to keep our well-being positive.