Author Archives: bells

Today Skylarks had their first Muddy Puddles Day today and we loved it. We learned the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees and sorted leaves we found into these two groups. We then looked at the leaves we had collected and used a leaf identification sheet to learn which trees they belonged to. We made …

This week Skylarks have been learning about the weather. Learning about the symbols used for forecasts and how the weather can be different up and down the country. They then had a go at predicting the weather themselves, they worked in pairs and wrote a script and then presented them to the class. Some definite meteorologists …

Dear Parents/Carers, Next Tuesday 20th October, KS1 will be having their Muddy Puddles Day. On this day please ensure your child comes to school in warm, waterproof clothes that you are safe to get dirty. Sensible footwear is also advised as we will be up on our school banks for our activities. Feel free to …

Science in Skylarks | 12 Oct 2020

In Science this half term we have been looking at our bodies and how they change. Last week we became real scientists and tried to answer the question on everyone’s lips, ‘Do people with bigger feet also have bigger hands?’. We first of all made predictions and then thought about how we could find out. …

KS1 Homework – W/C 28.09.20

This week children are bringing home their weekly homework sheet. We will alternate between SPaG and maths worksheets.  Homework will usually be sent out in book bags on a Monday and completed by the following Monday. Please do not send this homework back into to school. Feel free to message us on Google Classroom if …

KS1 Homework – 23.09.20

Children will be bringing home their first SPaG homework in book bags today (Wednesday 23rd September). Homework will usually alternate between maths and English/Spag. Homework may be used to support other areas of the curriculum, particularly in the lead up to the phonic screening check (Y1) and SATs (Y2). The homework needs to be completed …

Skylarks Entry Point | 18 Sep 2020

This half term our topic is ‘Our World.’ To find out the title of our topic, Skylark class completed an orienteering exercise. We used maps and keys to identify key locations around the school grounds and used this information to help us find a range of hidden letters. Once we had found all of the …

KS1 Homework 9.03.20

Please complete the SPaG worksheet provided and return to school by next Monday. Thank You

KS1 get very ‘Egg-cited’ | 02 Mar 2020

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Deb, Silkie and Rock from ‘Eggucation’. She held a workshop for all children, explaining how to look after eggs and chicks once they have hatched. She has left behind an incubator with 16 eggs inside ready to start hatching on Wednesday.  Children will get to …

KS1 Homework – 03.02.20

Homework this week is SPaG Mat 3. Please complete and return by next Monday. Also a reminder that any topic homework needs to be handed in by Friday 7th February. Thank you!
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