Author Archives: bells

As our exit point, the children worked in groups to create their own tower. They only had newspaper, scissors and sellotape and had to utilise many of the techniques that they had learnt during this unit.The children used strengthening techniques such as rolling, folding and layering. They also knew to have a wider base and …

We’ve had the same question every morning for a while now, ‘Are the chicks coming today?’ Well yesterday their dreams came true, Debs from Eggucation arrived with 20 eggs all ready to hatch. They started last night and throughout the day, we have seen 10 chicks hatch out of the egg. The children have been …

Herons performed ‘Funky Big Bear’ in school today. There was some enthusiastic singing alongside fantastic performances on chime bars and claves. After performing they went on to compose a new melody to the backing track and added French lyrics to it. Yes French! They are amazing.

Keeping fit and healthy in KS1 | 18 Feb 2022

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons learnt about the benefits of exercise for keeping us healthy in Science. They predicted which activities would raise their heartbeat and then tried them out.

Today children in Skylarks were comparing numbers, by adding amounts together and using greater than, less than and equal to symbols. They were even challenged to compare more than 2 numbers.

In today’s maths lesson, Year 2 spent some time sorting various number sentences into true or false piles. We used counters to help us and were able to support our answers by showing the inverse.

Today, Skylarks took part in an interactive ‘I Like Myself’ anti-bullying workshop. The children were reminded that they are each different and that this makes them special. To remind them of this, they learnt a song called ‘It’s Good to Be Me’. The children are looking forward to singing it to their families after school! …

Today all of KS1 took part in their first Muddy Puddles day of the year. We spent the day outside taking part in lots of different activities. With Miss Elliott we linked our learning to maths and drew around ourselves and then measured how many leaves long we were. With Miss Bell, Mrs Chavda and …

In maths we have been ordering numbers from smallest to greatest. We picked number cards at random to order and made unifix cube towers to represent the numbers.
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