As part of our topic learning, the children have been learning about the evolution of toys. We have focused on 3 centuries from the 19th century through to present day. We used a simple timeline to identify which elements of this time were ‘within living memory’ and ‘beyond living memory.’We learnt that in the 19th …
Today, Herons completed various activities that supported their oracy development. We watched videos of good examples, Miss Bell showed what a bad one would look like and we played games to improve our sentences, how clear we spoke and tried hard to give eye contact. It was great to see everyone improve throughout the day …
We are working so hard to learn how to play the ukulele in our music lessons. We have progressed so much and can now play the ukulele and sing along to lots of songs. Today we were also learning to play the C and A minor chords, and practicing moving our fingers from one note …
The children have been desperate to read books in the sunshine this week so we decided to take our reading lesson outside. Our current book is ‘The Witches’ and we are loving it. The lesson was based on chapter 3 ‘How to Recognise a Witch’. After reading the chapter and working on our expression further, …
We have been learning to name parts of the body in french lessons.
This week Red Kites have started their new writing unit where we will be looking at Twisted Fairy Tales. To start the unit we have looked at key features of traditional fairy tales and then had a go at creating freeze frames of different fairy tales. The class did really well at guessing which freeze …
On Wednesday Year 3 were challenged to measure things first to the nearest cm and then to the nearest mm. We measured lines drawn by our partners and then objects around the classroom. We then used these measurements and compared them using the correct symbols.
Today we took learning outside, forming number lines on the playground and estimating where different 3 digit numbers would belong between 1 and 1000.
Children created their own clay pot to be used as a dipping bowl as part of our topic work. They used many skills including rolling and coiling. They also used slip and smoothing tools to attach the coils together. When the bowls dried, we decorated them using paint, ensuring a secondary colour was mixed. We …
Year 2 have been continuing their work on money and today we were making exact amounts and thinking of different ways of making the same amount. Children were invited to Skylarks shop to buy a toy. They had to choose the toy, read the price tag, and make the exact amount because unfortunately Miss Bell …