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Tranmere Park Primary School

Intent – What is the purpose of our PSHE curriculum?

At Tranmere Park Primary, we believe that PSHE is a fundamental part of our curriculum; it is designed to engage and captivate our children whilst providing them with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed in later life; it is a fundamental part of the children’s school experience and is considered across the curriculum. To ensure that all pupils reach their full potential, their individual needs and abilities are recognised and developed within a caring and supportive environment, in partnership with parents. Personal, social and health education (PSHE) is a planned, developmental programme of learning opportunities and experiences through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. Our PSHE curriculum makes a significant contribution to pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, their behaviour and safety and the school’s statutory responsibility to pupils’ wellbeing. PSHE equips our pupils with the knowledge, skills, understanding and strategies required to live safe, healthy, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions as well as positive learning and career choices. In doing so, it aims to assist all our children in achieving economic wellbeing. A critical component of PSHE is providing opportunities for pupils to clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting, range of values and attitudes they will encounter throughout their lives. It enables them to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Developing an understanding of themselves whilst being empathetic and showing the ability to work with others, will help our pupils to form and maintain good relationships whilst developing the essential skills for future employability and affording them the skills needed to better manage their lives.

Our Children will:

Our Teachers will:

  • Largely progress through the curriculum at the same pace and differentiation will be achieved by emphasising a deep knowledge through discussion, individual support and children’s own first-hand experiences.
  • Be intrinsically motivated to learn by building on their knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Be encouraged to ask inquisitive questions, to develop their own views of the world and current affairs.
  • Develop confidence, self-esteem, understand how to manage risks making informed choices and begin to understand what influences their decisions and academic achievement.
  • Feel secure confident, whilst building self-esteem and academic achievement.
  • Feel secure and happy with a view to fulfilling their true potential that will enable children to develop the confidence to think for themselves.
  • Actively be involved in developing learning skills and ideas.
  • Be resilient and understand that making mistakes is all part of growing up and learning from them.
  • Possess highly positive attitudes towards the subject and will be aspirational in their goals.
  • Provide a spiral and challenging curriculum which is sequenced to ensure that new and personalised knowledge is taught in each session.
  • Identify gaps in understanding and swiftly overcome these with precise teaching.
  • Provide a range of experiences and opportunities that can enrich and broaden their learning. This will be through class discussion and time will be given to ensure children can reflect on their thoughts.
  • Be responsive to class and pupil needs and decisions may be taken to explore some aspects in greater depth.
  • Teachers and the Learning Mentor will follow up certain themes with individual pupils in more detail, if required.
  • Prepare our children to play an active roll as citizens in Britain.
  • Celebrate diversity and educate our pupils about the importance of celebrating the differences between people.
  • Adapt learning to meet the needs of each cohort on a yearly basis. 

Implementation – How do we do it?

The Learning Journey

At Tranmere Park Primary, we aim to live what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community. The schools ethos, curriculum design and PSHE lesson coverage promotes: empathy and compassion, leadership, respect for others, critical evaluation, skills for employability, presentation skills and active listening. Pupils receive a curriculum in line with national guidelines and respects and takes accounts of pupils’ prior learning and experiences. As part of our teaching, we aim to develop our pupils understanding of identity, relationships, the development of healthy lifestyles, diversity and equality along with human rights. Our scheme of work – You, Me, PSHE – is taken from the Islington Primary Scheme of Work and is adapted to meet the needs of our children.

The scheme is divided into five main themes:

  • 1. Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
  • 2. Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education (DATE)
  • 3. Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
  • 4. Careers, Financial Capability and Economic Well-being
  • 5. Identity, Society and Equality.

We also widen the curriculum by using Mind Mate lessons, whilst developing the children’s understanding for basic first aid using St John’s Ambulance content.


  • Short-term assessments aim to ensure staff become aware of the children’s prior knowledge, along with what has been taught lesson by lesson. These include observations of groups, whole class feedback/discussions and use of pre and post-tests, either in written or oral form.
  • Medium-term assessments are completed at the end of a half-term. These are supported by children completing a post test. Staff use this information to measure the children’s progress. Information is noted on assessment grids which are kept in the assessment folders within classrooms.
  • Long-term assessments assess our children against national expectations. This information is reported back to parents through the child’s annual report.


PSHE is monitored in-line with the school’s long-term monitoring plan. There is an ongoing cycle of subject monitoring at Tranmere Park Primary. The Subject Leader is allocated a block of time during the academic year to monitor the subject across the phases linked to the whole school development priorities. This will focus on PSHE specific teaching and learning and may include: classroom observations, talking to children and adults, planning annotations and evidence of first-hand experiences. Results of monitoring will inform the Subject Leader’s action plan and subject self-evaluation at the end of the academic year.

Impact – What knowledge and skills are obtained?

At Tranmere Park, every pupil will:

  • Work within a positive and mutually beneficial environment where they share positive relationships with their peers and their teachers.
  • Develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and strategies required to live: safe, healthy, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lifestyles.
  • Be able to make effective transitions, developing positive and lifelong learning attitudes.
  • Understand where to go for support, if needed.
  • Develop their own emotional intelligence and understand how to deal with these.
  • Understand that there are differences within our world and start to clarify their own point of view about these.

Further to the above, our Curriculum, at Tranmere Park, is designed to ensure that each and every child achieves or demonstrates the following:

The Team Tranmere Way
Be Yourself Be Your Best Be Team Tranmere
Our children will learn to like who they are; they respect themselves and live their lives in their own way, regardless of the opinions of others. Our children ‘give it everything they have got’ to achieve their full potential across the curriculum. Our children are a part of a community and have respect for the resources and people in it and that surround it.
Our Learning Values and Behaviours
Self-Manager Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Team Worker Resourceful Thinker Reflective Learner
Our children set their own goals and manage their own time, motivation and concentration. Our children participate in lessons and persuade and encourage others to do so. Our children set goals for their research with clear success criteria. Our children understand that we are stronger together and implement this. Our children are problem-solvers who can adapt to new or difficult situations. Our children critically analyse their work ensuring future improvements.