Welcome to Kingfishers’ Class Page!
Adults in Kingfishers:
Mr Broadley
Mrs Stevens
Mrs McAteer
Routines in Kingfishers:
P.E Indoor – Tuesday (Please arrive in P.E. kit)
P.E. Outdoor – Thursday (Please arrive in P.E. kit)
Spellings – Tuesday
Class governor: TBC
In years 5 and 6, the children will be encouraged to work with growing independence. To support this, your child will be taking responsibility for their own organisation. Each child has been given a planner (Y6 planners are provided by Guiseley school to support children to be secondary ready when they leave us). Planners will be checked on a Thursday morning and should have been seen and signed by an adult for the previous week. If there are any other messages that need to be read by the teacher on a day other than Thursday, please ensure that your child brings these to your attention.
Reading Books
Each week your child will be expected to read twice a week with an adult at home, who will need to sign and date the reading record in their planner every time they hear them read (see image below). Your child can choose a book from home or an appropriate free choice book from school. Even though many children in years 5 and 6 are quite fluent readers, it is important that an adult hears them read and asks questions about what they have read in order to aid their comprehension and to improve their writing skills.
Books can be changed on any day in the classroom.
Your child will receive their homework every Monday as a paper copy and will need to be handed back in by the following Monday. The answers for this will be posted on our class page. We politely request that parents mark the work with their child so that any misconceptions can be addressed when returned to school. The homework will alternate between the maths skills test and the Grammar Hammer. We only expect children to spend 20 minutes on each piece of homework, if they are struggling please just write a note to the teacher explaining this – don’t struggle on! A topic homework grid will also be available on the school website by the end of the first week of a new topic. It is expected that your child will complete at least two of the activities from the grid and return them to school. There are a range of fun and exciting options to choose from so please feel free to be creative!
Spellings will be tested each week on Monday and the new list will be given out following the weekly test. A spelling book will also be sent home with the spellings in.