Modern art, anyone…anyone?

Posted on by suttonb

Hands up if you had a great day looking at the world through the eyes of a heap of contemporary artists at Leeds Art Gallery. Just us then.

Years 5 and 6 went on a trip to the Art Gallery, via Guiseley railway station – to catch a train, you see – to look at the work of Fujiwara, Warboys, and Gamper. What – you haven’t heard of them? Oh, you really must attend the exhibitions…it’s so…now, so…on point.

All high-brow exclamations aside, we had a great time – Mrs Richardson had planned a fantastic day of activities that got us looking at the world in a range of new and different ways, from different perspectives. We sketched chairs, debated political leanings and messages and complained about the walk from the station back to school. A classically post-modern school trip.

And Doves’ camera has wiped all of the pictures it took today from its memory card – in an act of resistance against the constant need to capture images in situations where the art should not be constrained by pixels and resolution and megabytes. So you’ll have to imagine us doing all of the stuff that we did. Not-taking-pictures is the new taking-pictures, don’t you know?*

*Found some!