Headteachers Blog 12/12/14

The Christmas Fair was a great success at the weekend raising roughly £2500 for the playground project, taking us a step nearer to a brand new playground.Thanks to all who came and supported us and a huge vote of thanks to our very hard working PTA.

We’re nearly at the end of Nativity season. I’ll be going to see our Y5 & 6 pupils at St Oswald’s Church tonight for their annual Carol Service, today was the final KS1 performance of ‘It’s a party’ and tomorrow is EYFS children’s show – ‘a Wriggly Nativity’. Phew – a lot of hard work for the children and teachers but – hopefully – very enjoyable for mums, dads, grandmas and grandads. It was lovely to see how excited the children were to perform for you.

Parties & panto next week….officially not that many sleeps until the big day itself!

Over the holidays, Mr Brown and the school cleaning team will be very busy. A lot of damage was caused by leaks during the roofing project in the Autumn term – all of which needs to be put right and so, over the holidays, new carpets will be being laid, classrooms redecorated and ceilings repaired. It will be a busy time but we’re looking forward to coming back to a lovely new environment. Everything has definitely been a little ‘soggy’ round the edges this Autumn! Mr Brown and I met with the roofing contractors this week to sort out a few minor lingering leaks but the roof is very nearly finished AT LAST!

Myself and Mrs Sanderson have attended a ‘Safer Recruitment’ course this week to keep us up to date with the latest requirements to follow when appointing staff to ensure our children are kept safe in school. It was very interesting and we will be putting our new learning into place next week.

Teachers have also been working on other things than Christmas shows too. We’re preparing our new approach to assessing pupil outcomes at the moment, ready to have in place for when levels officially go next September. We’ve planned in a number of information events for parents in the late Spring term and throughout the Summer term. Big changes afoot!

Mrs Martin tells me she will be  focusing on punctuality in the Spring term … children should be on the playground for 8.50, ready to line up promptly when the whistle is blown at 8.55.