And so it begins!

Posted on by Mr Beech

As you may be aware, we have been selected to take part in the Dulux/SSAT Smarter Spaces project. As this is something that will make a difference to the whole school, and taking inspiration from Mrs Finley’s headteacher’s Blog, I thought I would keep you all up to date through the website as the project progresses.

So far I have invited any interested children from year 5 to contribute to the design brief with their ideas. As the monitoring phase of this project will last into the next academic year, and we will have quite a lot to do in the spring and summer terms, we have not been able to extend this invitation to year 6.

Over the next week or so, I will be putting together a timeline for this phase of the project and we will be getting cracking. If anyone has any ideas they would like to contribute, maybe something you have seen that works elsewhere, then please use this form.

Keep your eyes peeled for more as it happens!

Mr Beech