Woodpeckers – Practical Maths

This morning, Woodpeckers were learning how to add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. They completed three different practical activities including:

1. Matching – the children had four sets of cards (add 10s, add 100s, subtract 10s and subtract 100s). They had to work in partners to match the number sentence with the correct answer.

2. Discussion – the children worked in partners for this game and used dice to create their own 3-digit number. Then, they took it in turns to roll the dice again six times and follow an instruction depending on which number they landed on (e.g. 1 = subtract 100, 2 = add 200, 3 = add 30 etc.) The aim of the game is end on a number closest to 1000.

3. Creating – the children created a number sentence using concrete objects for their partner. They could choose from a range of resources including; dienes, counters, bead strings and numicon. Their partner then had to work out and show the answer by selecting the correct concrete objects.