
Eagles Exit Point – Art Gallery | 15 Nov 2023

Today KS1 had their exit point for out topic ‘Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!’ Throughout our topic, the children have used pastels, pencils and charcoal to create a wide array of art linked to our work on the seaside. Today, the children showcased their work to Kingfishers class and opened our classroom as an art …

Tranmere Times 10.11.23 | 10 Nov 2023

Tranmere Times 27.10.23 | 27 Oct 2023

Topic – The Five Senses | 25 Oct 2023

We had a lovely time exploring the five senses. We tried to identify smells in pots (vinegar, orange, soap and chocolate). We made feely pictures from things like sandpaper, pasta and cotton wool. We led each other around an obstacle course blindfolded. We listened to sounds and tried to identify them. We tasted something salty …

Tranmere Times 20.10.23 | 20 Oct 2023

EYFS Topic – Special Visitor | 18 Oct 2023

  We had a visit from a very special visitor today – baby Ariyah and her Mummy Hannah. We found out that Ariyah isn’t even one yet. She can open her eyes, smile, roll over, lie on her tummy and lift her head up. Next she will learn to sit up and crawl. At the …

Tranmere Times 13.10.23 | 13 Oct 2023

Tranmere Times 6.10.23 | 06 Oct 2023

Tranmere Times 29.9.23 | 29 Sep 2023

Tranmere Times 22.9.23 | 22 Sep 2023

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