
Falcons Science – Non-Newtonian Fluids | 08 Feb 2024

Falcons made and explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonion fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a …

EYFS Exit Point – A Celebration of Castles | 07 Feb 2024

Robins and Bluebirds looked amazing today! They çame dressed up as kings, queens, princes, princessses, knights and dragons for our very special celebration of castles. We had a fantastic day taking part in a rotation of activities which included learning a medieval dance, making crowns, building a castle outside and listening to and acting out …

Tranmere Times 02.02.24 | 02 Feb 2024

KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop | 31 Jan 2024

Today Ks1 took part in a fantastic workshop run by no other than Samuel Pepys himself! The children enjoyed stepping back over 350 years to ‘The Great Fire of London’ and learning more about what Samuel witnessed during this historic event. The Great Fire formed only a very small part of his diary but we …

Tranmere Times 26.1.24 | 26 Jan 2024

Red Kites – Entry Point | 25 Jan 2024

Red Kites experienced a ‘slow volcano eruption’ in the classroom. It was the entry point activity for their new Planet Earth topic and got them thinking about what causes the eruptions and what is actually happening when they occur.

EYFS Puppet Workshop | 25 Jan 2024

Parents and carers were invited to take part in a puppet workshop with the children in Robins and Bluebirds. After sharing some information about Expressive Arts and Design in Early Years and a short challenge for our visitors, everyone set to work on their puppets. There was a lovely, happy atmosphere in the hall and …

Tranmere Times 19.1.24 | 19 Jan 2024

Kingfishers – ENTRY POINT – World War Two | 17 Jan 2024

Evacuee suitcase. Children were very excited to show their cases or pillowcases with items they thought would be useful and helpful if they had to be evacuated – a real mixture of personal and practical items. We had discussions about how useful a tin of beans would be without an opener and how a newspaper …

Tranmere Times 12.1.24 | 12 Jan 2024

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