

Worry Wizard Workshop – Herons | 08 Oct 2021

This week, we were joined by Jane and Sonny to learn about worries. We learnt that it’s ok to have worries and that it’s also great to share our worries with others! We also learnt lots about how to look after ourselves and each other to keep our well-being positive.

Tranmere Times 8.10.21 | 08 Oct 2021

Red Kites – Worry Wizard Workshop | 07 Oct 2021

This week we were joined by Jane and Sonny to learn about worries. We learnt that it’s okay to have worries and that it’s also great to share our worries with others! We also learnt lots about how to look after ourselves and each other to keep our well-being positive.

Eagles Governor Visit | 07 Oct 2021

Today we had a visit from Mr Davis, who is Eagles class governor. He spoke to the class about how he helps make decisions in governor meetings and the different roles he does. The children asked lots of questions and listened carefully to all the information.

Red Kites Maths – Higher or lower? | 07 Oct 2021

This week in Maths we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1000. Today, we began by working in pairs to challenge our partners to order a set of numbers. As we did this, we took on the role of a teacher by helping our partners out if they didn’t quite get our challenge questions …

Wellbeing and The Worry Wizard | 05 Oct 2021

All classes have had a visit this week from The Worry Wizard to continue our well-being focus from last school year. We’ve all had a tricky last 18 months with the Covid-19 pandemic and our children have had to cope with lots of disruption and changes to their routine as a result of Covid restrictions. …

Eagles Worry Wizard Workshop | 04 Oct 2021

What a super start to the morning! We were joined by Jane and Sonny and learnt that we all have worries and it feels good to share our worries. Well being is all about being well and looking after ourselves and each other. Lots of messages to remember.  

Tranmere Times 1.10.21 | 01 Oct 2021

Useful for parents to know … | 29 Sep 2021

Just a quick ‘Head’s Up’ today but I wanted to go over a post you may have missed on the Tranmere Times in the last couple of weeks as it’s been so busy … Those families who aren’t brand new to Tranmere Park will know that our Learning Mentor, Mrs Martin, retired at the end …
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