
Tranmere Times 11.2.22 | 11 Feb 2022

Eagles Make Jam Sandwiches | 10 Feb 2022

In writing lessons, we have been learning about instructional writing, particularly recipes. Today we followed instructions very carefully to make a jam sandwich. They were delicious.

Xpress yourself – Children’s mental health week | 10 Feb 2022

Children’s Mental Health Week – Dress to Express Yourself.   This week school are taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week.   Tomorrow – Friday 11th February, we would like to invite all children to take part in ‘Dress to Express’. This could be through favourite colours, hairstyles, favourite sports kits, fancy dress, party …

KS1 learn more about Islam | 09 Feb 2022

This half term, KS1 have been learning about Islam in RE. To extend our learning, we were very fortunate today to have one of our parents come to talk to us about their religion. She talked to us about the five pillars of Islam. These are Shahadah (declaration of faith), Salah (praying five times a …

Woodpeckers – Reading | 09 Feb 2022

In reading, we have started our new book called: The Firework Maker’s Daughter. Before we started to read this book, we completed an observe, wonder and infer lesson to spark our imaginations about what might happen in the story. To observe, we used the front cover to write down all the things we could see. …

Woodpeckers’ Science | 08 Feb 2022

This morning, Woodpeckers began their investigation into states of matter, racing a variety of liquids down a ramp to test their viscosity. Have a look at the results below.

Tranmere Times 4.2.22 | 04 Feb 2022

Eagles Get Into Shape! | 02 Feb 2022

This week, Eagles have really enjoyed learning about shape! We have have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and have completed lots of practical activities including shape hunts and shape sorting activities. In today’s maths lesson, the children went on a shape hunt, looking for 2D shapes in the school playground. They were quick …

Tranmere Times 28.1.22 | 28 Jan 2022

Woodpeckers – Volcano Art | 28 Jan 2022

This week we have been looking at some different volcanic art. Woodpeckers have now created some of their own artwork. Some of the children used felt tips and other used paint to add colour to their volcano artwork.
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