
Tranmere Times 2.12.22 | 02 Dec 2022

Ministry of Chocolate | 29 Nov 2022

On Tuesday, Year 3/4 were visited by the Minister of Chocolate. We learnt lots of fascinating facts about chocolate including: its history, where it comes from, the different types, chocolate world records, fair-trade and even how to make our own! Check out the pictures below…

Tranmere Times 25.11.22 | 25 Nov 2022

Exit Point – Year 1 Visit Abbey House Museum | 22 Nov 2022

This term our topic has been ‘Toys’. As part of this unit, the children have learnt about old and new toys and how toys have changed over the years. As our exit point, we went on a trip to Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall, where the children were given the opportunity first hand to explore …

Tranmere Times 17.11.22 | 17 Nov 2022

Tranmere Times 11.11.22 | 11 Nov 2022

Tranmere Times 4.11.22 | 04 Nov 2022

Reception Entry Point – Celebrations | 02 Nov 2022

We made a wonderful start to our ‘Celebrations’ topic this week. We learnt about Divali and made diya lamps, rangoli patterns and Divali biscuits. We even made firework fruit kebabs! We learnt a Divali dance and ended the fun with a (digital) firework display!

Times Table Rockstars Update | 01 Nov 2022

We have been notified that some children are playing on the old, out of date versions of Times Table Rockstars at home.  This means that children are not accessing the most secure and feature-rich experience. Solution – if playing at home If using a browser: If using the website at home, please could we ask …

Tranmere Times 21.10.22 | 21 Oct 2022

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