
KS1 Green Car Cross Code Road Safety Visit | 19 Jan 2023

This week, we had ZenAuto into school to teach children in KS1 about the Green Car Cross Code. The session focused on road safety and how the ‘Stop, Look and Listen’ message can be applied to electric vehicles which are much quieter than petrol or diesel methods of transport.The children learnt to: Stop, look and …

Eagles Practical Maths – Adding Numbers Together | 17 Jan 2023

Today, the children explored addition practically. Using pictorial representations, the children identified the parts and the whole and were able to show this in tens frames and part whole models.The children impressed us with their independence and understanding of number. Well done Eagles!

Puffins – Express Yourself Entry Point | 17 Jan 2023

For our Entry Point to our new topic, Express Yourself, each person in our class had to teach a skill. We had a wide range of skills that were taught and it was lovely to see all the children taking a lead role and teaching. Take a look for yourselves at our talents!  

Fun with Instruments in EYFS

Bluebirds and Robins have been making sounds with instruments and then creating pictures to represent them. They were so good that we put together a little composition and took turns to play it. We also used green and red to mean ‘play’ and ‘stop’. Some children took turns to be the conductor as we played …

Reception Entry Point ~ Let’s Pretend | 06 Jan 2023

Our new topic this half term is ‘Let’s Pretend!’ For our entry point we had a good chat about what we thought pretending was and then each dressed up as a character and pretended to be someone or something else. Since then we have had a LOT of fun pretending on the stages in the …

Reception Maths Homework | 06 Jan 2023

Hi Welcome back. It was lovely to see all the children back with their cheerful smiles. This week in maths we have looked at the number zero. Please complete the homework attached or in your child’s book bag and return it on Monday with your child’s name on the top . Maths Homework – Zero

Leeds Local Offer | 04 Jan 2023

Please see the following from Leeds City Council: Leeds Local Offer Live Tuesday 28th March 2023 10am till 2pm (drop in) Pudsey Civic Hall Leeds Local Offer Live is a market place event that provides families with the opportunity to find out about services available to them in Leeds. At this year’s event we will …

KS1 Nativity 2022 | 05 Dec 2022

For the first time in front of an audience, KS1 performed ‘Baubles’. We are so proud of all of them and their performance! Attached is the official programme. Baubles Programme 2022  

Ministry of Chocolate | 29 Nov 2022

On Tuesday, Year 3/4 were visited by the Minister of Chocolate. We learnt lots of fascinating facts about chocolate including: its history, where it comes from, the different types, chocolate world records, fair-trade and even how to make our own! Check out the pictures below…

Exit Point – Year 1 Visit Abbey House Museum | 22 Nov 2022

This term our topic has been ‘Toys’. As part of this unit, the children have learnt about old and new toys and how toys have changed over the years. As our exit point, we went on a trip to Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall, where the children were given the opportunity first hand to explore …
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