
CRITICAL WORKERS – UPDATE 20th MARCH 2020 | 20 Mar 2020

Dear parents We have received guidance this morning regarding occupations falling under the ‘Critical Worker’ heading. We have attached the guidance for you all to see and for you to consider if you fall under the headings listed. The guidance we are receiving into school from central Government makes it very clear that social distancing must …


Please read the below from Headteacher, Mrs. Hodgson Thursday 19th March 2020 RE: School Closure Dear Parents I’m sure you will have seen the Government briefing yesterday regarding school closures from Monday. I realise that this must have caused many of you lots of concern and that you will have questions. I’m writing to give …

Comment Regarding PTA Events | 19 Mar 2020

It is with a heavy heart we have to cancel all up coming events. Parents who have paid for Tranmere’s Got Talent will be refunded by Ticketsource. We will endeavour to get the year 6  hoodies & yearbook together and we will be in touch through email with further updates. We hope this situation changes …

Updates Coming… | 19 Mar 2020

Please continue to check your emails and text messages regularly, we will be sending out some information in due course regarding to the “Key Worker” announcement by the Government yesterday. We will update you with the Tranmere Park plans shortly and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Red Kites – WINNERS ARE GRINNERS! | 18 Mar 2020

Pictured here are some of Red Kites with their WINNERS trophy which they received for winning the ‘learn live’ World Book Day quiz.                   

Please adhere to the guidelines… | 18 Mar 2020

Please can we ask that anyone that is aged 70+ no longer attends school to drop off or collect children? We are following the Department for Education and Public Health England’s guidance and would respectfully ask that anyone that is in the risk groups to adhere to the guidance too. We know that this may …


Sadly Ingleborough Hall have closed the centre with immediate affect. We have arranged a coach to collect the children and this will be back at TPPS at around 11:15am. If you would like to collect your child, please feel free to do so. This directive is from Bradford City Council (who own the centre) and …

IMPORTANT: Updates on School Events and COVID-19 | 17 Mar 2020

Cancellations of School Events: In light of the new guidance that came out, please note that the following events are cancelled with immediate effect: Wednesday 18th March – Y3 Malham Parents Evening Fridays (all before Easter) – swimming lessons Wednesday 25th March – Y2 and Y6 SATS Parents Evenings Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Cake …

A fantastic first day at Ingleborough | 16 Mar 2020

All of the children are settled down and in bed after our first day at Ingleborough. We got here in good time, were shown to our dorms and given our kit. Most of us went to visit the show cave, taking a lovely walk through the nature trail and one group went on a ‘real’ …

Update regarding COVID-19 – 16th March 2020 | 16 Mar 2020

Following the press conference this evening by PM Boris Johnson, the Chief Medical Officer,  Professor Chris Whitty, and the Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, if anyone in your house has either a new persistent cough or a high temperature you must isolate everyone in the household for 14 days. If anyone in your household …
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