
Your first TTR update…. | 13 Jan 2021

We are approaching the end of day 3 and the response to our new Champions League has been phenomenal; I am so pleased that you have all embraced the idea and are enjoying the competition. So, the all important scores at the end of day 3 (well, almost): Doves vs Kingfishers 53,481 vs 36,529 Puffins …

Tranmere Times 8.1.21 | 08 Jan 2021

The Tranmere Park Lockdown TTR Champions League | 08 Jan 2021

Disclaimer: I have already got excessively carried away….and also, this only applies to Year 2 and above – apologies. Good afternoon, Tranmere! Calling all Times Table Rockers! After the success of Maths Week England (hats off once again to the Falcons class who came 96th out of 31,039 and to the whole school that came …

Lockdown Learning 3.0 | 06 Jan 2021

Good evening. We have posted in the ‘Stream’ of Google Classroom for each class outlining what our online learning will look like in each year group. This offer will commence from Monday for all classes – the work we set this week may not fully reflect this offer while we get up to speed. Thank …

4 Weeks To Go…#TPPSMYSTERY | 23 Dec 2020

TranmereTimes 18.12.20 | 18 Dec 2020

Track and Trace Over Christmas | 18 Dec 2020

School leaders have been asked by the Government to continue to take responsibility for Covid-19 track and trace procedures into the Christmas holiday. Therefore, can we please ask that you continue to inform school by email should a child who has been in school this week test positive up to and including Thursday 24th December. …

Nativity 2020:Lockdown Editon | 17 Dec 2020

Merry Christmas everybody! Nativity 2020:Lockdown Editon If this video fails to load – please log onto your child’s Google Classroom to view it there.

Relationships and Sex Education Consultation | 11 Dec 2020

We are holding a consultation for parents views on our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum Full details can be found on our PSHE & RSE page on our website and our RSE Policy can be found on our Policies page. We would love to hear your thoughts on these via our consultation survey. This survey …

Tranmere Times 4.12.20 | 04 Dec 2020

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