
An update on our TTR Champions League Grand Final | 11 Mar 2021

Morning, Tranmere. This week, to decide the winner, the ultimate TTR champions in our school, the Doves and the Herons are going head to head. A battle between our Year 6s and our Year 2s, both of which finished our Champions League on 18 out of a possible 21 points. This really is a battle …

The Tranmere Park TTR Champions League comes to a close – or does it…. | 08 Mar 2021

Well, where to begin?! What a final week we have had and what a tournament overall. The effort made over the last seven weeks has been staggering and, last week’s finale carried all the drama that we have come to expect. The final scores: The only place to start: Herons vs Kingfishers 68,656 vs 30,459 …

The final, mid-week TTR update. | 04 Mar 2021

Good morning, Tranmere. Well, what can I say, the final week of our Tranmere Park TTR Champions League is already providing the sort of drama that we have come to expect. I am sure there will be many more twists, turns and potential upsets before we reach the end of our tournament on Sunday at …

Arrival and Collection Times – from 8th March | 01 Mar 2021

Dear Parents; Please find below the times for arrival and collection to and from school for each class. These are the same as they were in the Autumn Term (before Christmas): CLASS Teacher ARRIVAL COLLECTION BETWEEN BETWEEN ROBINS Miss Beestin 08:30 – 08:40 14:45 – 14:55 BLUEBIRDS Miss Ingram 08:30 – 08:40 14:45 – 14:55 …

The End of Battle Week 6 TTR Champions League Update | 01 Mar 2021

Good morning, Tranmere. I hope that this message finds you well. I have just logged into TTR to begin to update our league table after game week 6 and have almost fallen off my chair. WHAT A WEEK! I was expecting fireworks in our final week (this week) but was staggered to see the scores …

Week 6 – mid-week TTR update | 25 Feb 2021

Afternoon, Tranmere. Welcome to the penultimate mid-week update of our TTR Champions League. As always, at the mid-week stages, many battles are hotting up and there is no way of knowing who will be claiming the points at the end of play at Sunday tea time. The all important scores: Herons vs Red Kites 32,445 …

TTR – End of week 5 – the week where a certain class smashed the record… | 22 Feb 2021

Good morning, Tranmere. Welcome back to a new half-term. I hope you had a great break and that you are ready to approach the new half-term with the same incredible enthusiasm I saw from you all last time. This half-term should be monumental; it’s the half-term where our TTR Champions League comes to a dramatic …

Mid-week TTR update – Week 5 | 11 Feb 2021

Good morning, Tranmere. I hope this message finds you well and that you are all eager for your TTR mid-week update. This week’s battles include a top of the table clash and the emergence of a contender to the throne; so far, the Herons have looked the most likely to claim the glory but, quietly …

Safer Internet Day – Spotting Fake News | 09 Feb 2021

Thinking critically and spotting fake news Original article here deagreez/ Fake news, unfortunately, is everywhere. Online rumours, conspiracy theories and scams have a tendency to spread like wildfire across social media. They’re hard to resist because they play on emotions that are quick to arouse – fear, fury, hatred. We feel these emotions and then …

TTR – End of week 4 round up – WHAT A WEEK | 08 Feb 2021

Morning, Tranmere. I know that I have said this before, and that I am starting to sound like a broken record, but, WOW! That has to be another record breaking week. I was blown away by week 3 but this past week has surpassed all expectations. TAKE A BOW, EVERYONE! Not only did this week …
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