
The life of Mary Seacole | 18 May 2021

As part of our work on People from the Past, the children have been learning about the life of Mary Seacole – a famous nurse who helped injured soldiers in the Crimean War. The children have been learning about chronology and have been sequencing key events from Mary’s life. Today the children worked in groups …

Tranmere times 14.5.21 | 14 May 2021

Extra-Curricular Netball Opportunities in the Local Area | 11 May 2021

As we move into some more normality (fingers crossed), more sports clubs are now opening their doors for various different sessions. I have recently been informed of two different opportunities from local Netball clubs that are offering clubs for younger age groups. The first is from Otley Netball Club. The sessions are played at Prince …

Tranmere Times 7.5.21 | 07 May 2021

Tranmere Does The Daily Mile | 30 Apr 2021

Today everyone took part in ‘England Does The Daily Mile’ to celebrate the positive benefits that daily activity can have on our mental health. Every class had a 15 minute time slot to run/jog/walk/move however they like and to just get out and enjoy the fresh air with their friends and teachers. Why not give …

NSPCC Rocks | 30 Apr 2021

Tranmere, IT’S BACK! The TTR competition is back! FOR ONE DAY ONLY! (Can you tell that I am more than a little excited about this?!) This time though, unlike maths week England, we won’t simply be competing against schools in England; this time it will be against schools the length and breadth of the entire …

Skylark’s Entry Point – People of the Past | 29 Apr 2021

Our topic this half term is ‘People from the Past – Significant People’. As our entry point, the children became historical detectives, investigating three famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. The children worked in small groups and used IPads and books to find out more about their lives. The children have …

Reception – Entry Point – The Tiger Who Came to Tea | 23 Apr 2021

Today the children in Bluebirds and Robins had a tea party based on the book ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ by Judith Kerr.  We wrote invitations to each other, painted our faces, dressed up, drew our own tigers, made puppets and then had our picnic outside on the top banks.      

Reception – E-Safety | 23 Apr 2021

As part of our learning on how to keep safe when using a computer, tonight your child will bring home a ‘Legend Trophy’ kit. They will need to use their knowledge about how to use the web wisely and responsibly and work with you to build their trophy. All you need to do to get …

National Offer Day – Primary School Places | 16 Apr 2021

If you have been offered a place at Tranmere Park Primary School and would like to accept the place, please email We will be in touch in due course with further information. Congratulations and we look forward to meeting you all soon!
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