Bluebirds Homework Homework

Reception Homework

Following on from our Muddy Puddle theme we would like your child to write the story of the Three little Pigs. Please use the picture cues to order the story and encourage your child to explain their sentence before they write it. The children have been working really hard too with their phonics. We have …

Reception Homework – Maths

This week we have looked at the number 6, 7 and 8. We have looked at different ways of showing these numbers by counting groups of objects, writing the numeral and challenging ourselves to find two different numbers that will add up to make 6, 7 or 8. Over the next few weeks please can …

Reception Homework w/c 9/1/23

English Homework w_c 9_1_23 Please have a go at the phoneme hunt with your child. Please do not worry about how they spell any sounds we have not learnt yet – just focus on those listed when writing the each word. The Reception team

Fun with Instruments in EYFS

Bluebirds and Robins have been making sounds with instruments and then creating pictures to represent them. They were so good that we put together a little composition and took turns to play it. We also used green and red to mean ‘play’ and ‘stop’. Some children took turns to be the conductor as we played …

Maths homework

This week in maths we have looked at ways of representing 4 & 5, whilst finding out how to make the number 4 or 5.  Please complete the sheets all about 4 and 5. If you would like an extra challenge have a go at using the ladybird sheet to show different ways of making …

EYFS Homework

Phonics Homework Answers Jam Jet Vet Van Wig Wet  

Reception Homework

This week in Maths we have looked at different shapes. We have named simple shapes such as a circle and triangle. We even found out how many sides or corners they have. Please complete the tasks below. Don’t forget, bring it back to school in your book bag with your name on. Enjoy the long …

English Homework – 11.11.22

Over the past few weeks we have learnt many new sounds. This weeks homework is related to the sounds s, a, t, i, p and n.  Please complete the following English homework and return to school in your  child’s bookbag next week. English Homework – 11.11.22

Reception – Summer 2 Knowledge Organisers and Topic Homework

Please see attached the Topic Homework Grid and Knowledge Organisers for Summer 2. Knowledge Organiser Summer 2 Topic Homework Grid Maths Knowledge Organiser Summer 2 English Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Reception Homework 4/12/20

Good afternoon All the children have had a good week back. They have enjoyed been with their friends. This week we have looked at our words lists. If you can keep going with these at home on a daily basis this will really help your child. You could hide them around the house, find them …
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