Today in English, we have come together as a class to write a good version of a recount (a WAGOLL). To begin with, we brainstormed our ideas, thinking about time adverbials, past tense verbs and putting things into chronological order. Then, we got together on the carpet to share these and put them into a …
Before we start our new topic of Scavengers and Settlers, we have learned some new vocabulary that will crop up consistently throughout the term. To begin with, we looked at the new vocabulary, discussing potential pronunciations and meanings. Then, we had a go at matching the vocabulary to their correct definitions, discussing them as we …
There won’t be a swimming lesson for Year 4 tomorrow. Children are still welcome to come in P.E. kit. Thanks, Mr Housden
Yesterday afternoon, LKS2 enjoyed their Christmas party. They all had a fantastic time and would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for providing the prizes and pass the parcel.
Over the past couple of weeks, all children, from EYFS to Year 6, have been working hard on their Little Inventors Christmas Competition task. Children were given the following brief and had to come up with their own original, weird and wonderful ideas! ‘Tis the season to hang the stockings, roll up the snowmen, and …
Today, LKS2 have had a Science day. During one of our sessions, we looked at seed dispersal. To begin with, we discussed what seed dispersal is and why plants need to disperse their seeds. Then, we investigated the different ways in which plants do this. Finally, we had a go at creating our own “plants” …
Today, LKS2 have taken part in a live Christmas reading event with Mr.Dilly. We met children’s authors Mel Taylor-Bessent, Andy Griffiths, Robin Stevens, Jenny Pearson, Sam Langley-Swain, and Ian Eagleton who told us all about the Christmas books they have written. We really enjoyed the reading Andy Griffiths did from his 156 Storey Treehouse Christmas …
LKS2 Homework W/C 5.12.22 (Red Kites, Woodpeckers and Falcons)
This week, LKS2 have been tasked with some very special DT homework. Children have been asked to invent something to help Father Christmas during the busy December period! This could be anything… the crazier and more creative the better! This task is part of a Christmas competition set up by a team called ‘The Little …
Ministry of Chocolate | 29 Nov 2022
On Tuesday, Year 3/4 were visited by the Minister of Chocolate. We learnt lots of fascinating facts about chocolate including: its history, where it comes from, the different types, chocolate world records, fair-trade and even how to make our own! Check out the pictures below…
This Friday, as part of water safety awareness, all Year 4 swimmers will need to bring their pyjamas in addition to their usual swimming kit. Thanks,