Woodpeckers News

Currently in Woodpeckers, we are learning all about poetry. We’ve been studying Brian Moses’ ‘Walking with my Iguana’ poem very closely and today, got together to write our own version. To begin with, we deconstructed the poem, looking at the different features (rhyming schemes, repetition and rhythm) and content. We then mind-mapped some of our …

In Woodpeckers today, we have started our new maths unit, length, perimeter and area. To kick off our learning, we have completed a practical measuring session using rulers, measuring tapes, metre sticks and trundle wheels. To begin with, we got together in pairs and measured a range of objects in the classroom using our rulers. …

In Woodpeckers this afternoon, we have become archaeologists, discovering what people used to eat in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Ages. We went on a trip to a nearby dig where we discovered lots of fossils, artefacts and remains that had been uncovered. This enabled us to find out lots of information and …

The school council have signed us up to join in with Duracell’s big battery hunt. Duracell are encouraging pupils up and down the country to recycle their batteries instead of putting them in landfill to help make our planet greener and cleaner. They’ve set schools a challenge to try and collect and recycle as many …

Happy pancake day! As part of our school council meeting today, we were given a very special treat as a thank you for all of our hard work so far this year. They were delicious!!

The Dunwells | 10 Feb 2023

We had another visit from The Dunwells today. How lucky are we? They did two songwriting workshops and with Year 4 and Year 5 which were performed for us at the end of the day. The songs they had written sounded great. After that we were treated to an exclusive little gig from the the …

Ed and the School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to Team Tranmere for all of the wonderful donations that have been given for the food bank. Everyone has been so generous and we know that this donation will make a big difference to those in need.

This week is children’s mental health week, and the theme this year is all about making connections. This afternoon, Woodpeckers, Red Kites, Robins and Bluebirds decided to get together and do just that! They had lots of fun playing and exploring together. They even had a go at creating portraits using the natural materials around …

Today in Woodpeckers, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day. We started the morning by discussing both the good and the bad things about the internet. Then, we looked at some Internet profiles and analysed these to decide if they were real of fake. After this, we researched some inspirational inventors who have had a great …

On Friday, pupils, parents and teachers were treated to a class assembly by Woodpeckers. We saw some Topic, French, English, Music and some very crazy dancing! We hope you all enjoyed our performance.
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