Puffins News

Winners of the survival challenge.

To end our topic on weather & climate, we had a survival challenge day. Pupils were asked to bring to school a rucksack packed with items they feel would be useful if they had to survive in a particular climate. Pupils worked in groups to set up their camp and show what equipment they had …

To mark the end of our topic, Express Yourself, we designed and created our own pencil cases using felt. It took a couple of sessions but we’ve finally done! We used various different stitches, including blanket, back, whip and running. We also had to attach a button and create a fastening loop which was slightly …

After helping promote Earth Day, School Council have been keen to do more to help our planet, particularly through helping the wildlife. This week, we have had a go at creating our very own recycled bird feeders to hang up around the School grounds. We had so much fun making them and are very pleased …

To celebrate Earth Day, which is on the 22nd April, we have been researching why it is important and why we celebrate this particular day. We learnt all about the history behind Earth Day and even looked at pictures from the very first Earth Day, back in 1970. We talked as a class about what …

UKS2 PE Days | 18 Apr 2023

Just a reminder that UKS2 Outdoor PE has now been changed to a Thursday, instead of a Friday. Children will need to come in their PE kits on a Thursday from now on until the end of the academic year.

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries over the past couple of months. We have now collected a total of 6400 batteries! A big thank you also, to our school council team who have been making multiple trips to the recycling points to ensure all of these get …

As the majority of us were in Lockerbie during British Science Week, we decided that we still wanted to celebrate it, just at a later date! We read a book called ‘The Most Important Animal of All’ and learnt about lots of different animals, including krill, beavers and elephants. We discussed why they could be classed …

Today is World Poetry Day! To help celebrate, School Council have hosted a poetry writing competition. There were lots of amazing entries and they found it incredibly hard to judge! In assembly this morning, 2 winners were announced… Ruby from Herons and Luca from Woodpeckers. A huge well done to everybody that entered! Below are …

After a successful term of running ‘Chill Out Tuesday’ for KS2 children, School Council have now swapped their club to allow Reception and KS1 children to attend. So far, it’s been very popular! The children have loved mixing with each other through playing board games, building models, reading, drawing, crafting and dancing (thanks to DJ …
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