Puffins News

Today in Maths, we re-capped our knowledge of rounding from year 4. This allowed us to remember the rules of rounding and put it into practise. We were also able to address common mistakes and miss-conceptions and discuss what to do when rounding causes us to cross into the next place value column. Today we …

Today, we were joined by Doctor Khanna, who kindly volunteered his expertise and led a dissection. The children learnt about the chambers of the heart and the purpose of: veins, arteries, the trachea, the bronchi, the lungs and the alveoli. Further to this, on two of the samples, we were able to spot the voice …

Throughout our myth writing unit, we have been reading the story ‘The Rain Player’. Today, we used drama to predict what we think would happen next. Chac (The Rain God), was about to play Pok-a-Tok against Pik, to decide Pik’s fate. Can your figure out what we think is going to happen using our still …

This week in Puffins, we’ve been history detectives, discovering what life may have been like during the Mayan era. Using a gallery of paintings by Frederick Catherwood, we worked with our peers to highlight what their key features told us about what life was like back then. We found evidence that gave us lots of …

This year our school council have been incredibly busy. They’ve held story writing, poetry and design competitions, helped the school save energy and stay tidy, rescued a sea-turtle, made bird feeders, hosted Chill Out Tuesdays, collected for the food bank, recycled thousands of batteries for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, met the Mayor of Leeds…and so …

Reversible Changes – 5/6 Science | 07 Jul 2023

This week, we have created Alien Soup (as you do) in order to demonstrate how materials can be separated. We examined what a solution was and discussed irreversible changes learnt in 3/4 (burning, baking, rusting etc). We then began creating our ‘soup’: water, sand, paper clips, salt and rice. The children were challenged with understanding …

The Big Battery Hunt is over! A HUGE well done and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the competition. So many of you have brought in THOUSANDS of dead and used batteries, and so many of you have done a fantastic job of helping us to count and recycle these too. Overall, we …

Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …

On Thursday, the Puffins studied the male and female structures of flowering plants. We dissected a Lily and identified the pistil/carpal (stigma, style and ovary), the stamen (anther and filament), the sepals and the petals. One or two groups also thought that they had identified an egg (ovule) in the ovaries.

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