Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

Within our Mayan topic, we have been learning all about the sport Pok-A-Tok. Today we took the court to have a go for ourselves! We had great fun practising and playing. We can also confirm that no players, captains or coaches were sacrificed after a loss – this well a truly remains a great myth!

As part of our topic work, Eagles have been learning about the world around them. Today we have been learning about Physical Geography features (made by nature) and Human Geography features (made by humans). We identified beaches, seas, oceans, cliffs and mountains as examples of Physical Geography features and harbours, ports, cities and towns as …

In Eagles this week, the children have been learning how to find one more and one less than a number to 10. Today, the children played a board game with their partner. When they landed on a number, they had to find one less than the number given. They could choose whether they used practical …

Today we visited the beach! Only through meditation but the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of hearing the waves crashing against the shore, the seagulls squawking and imagining their feet walking on the warm sand. As a class, we then discussed all of the activities that we might get up to when we are at …

Today in Maths, we re-capped our knowledge of rounding from year 4. This allowed us to remember the rules of rounding and put it into practise. We were also able to address common mistakes and miss-conceptions and discuss what to do when rounding causes us to cross into the next place value column. Today we …

Today, we were joined by Doctor Khanna, who kindly volunteered his expertise and led a dissection. The children learnt about the chambers of the heart and the purpose of: veins, arteries, the trachea, the bronchi, the lungs and the alveoli. Further to this, on two of the samples, we were able to spot the voice …

This half term, our topic is “Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!” To excite the children about their learning, we start each new topic with an entry point – a fun and exciting activity which brings the learning to life. Today, the children opened up their own travel agents and practised role playing the roles of …

This week, Year 1 have been practising how to count objects from a larger group. We used counting cubes and sentence stems to show our understanding. Once we were confident counting objects, we progressed to representing numbers up to 10 in different ways (written form, numeral form, counting cubes and a pictorial representation.) Take a …

Throughout our myth writing unit, we have been reading the story ‘The Rain Player’. Today, we used drama to predict what we think would happen next. Chac (The Rain God), was about to play Pok-a-Tok against Pik, to decide Pik’s fate. Can your figure out what we think is going to happen using our still …

This half term, our topic is “Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!” To excite the children about their learning, we start each new topic with an entry point – a fun and exciting activity which brings the learning to life.Today, the children opened up their own travel agents and practised role playing the roles of the …
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