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KS1 Computing Day

Today, the children had a topic themed day to conclude our computing unit for this half term. During this half term, we have been learning about the different parts of a computer and input devices. To round off our topic, the children investigated, went on a technology safari and invented their own creations which required …

As part of our Science topic, we talked about food labels and how we know what is in what we are in eating and drinking. We then looked at various different drinks that all have ranging levels of sugar in them. Firstly, we had to guess in groups how much sugar was in each drink …

Miss Marsden has been so impressed with how the children have been today.  They have settled back into school and have really shown how they work hard and listen carefully.  Ask your children about all of the bonfire and firework activities we have been doing today.  See you for more fun tomorrow – it’s good …

Doves discovered all about trading during an activity that saw them creating and selling products, as well as negotiating for raw materials. The class was split into teams and each team faced unique challenges as they attempted to buy and sell. A number of different real-world scenarios ensured that the trading world changed at different …

Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …

Thank you for coming to our assembly this morning. We hope you enjoyed it. The Mayan rain god Chac, obviously approved of our assembly! Here is our Rain Player display and a couple of photos from the assembly.

In maths, Year 2 have been learning to compare and order numbers to 100. Firstly, they compared two numbers using more than, less than, equal to and inequality signs. They focused on identifying the tens and ones in each number to help them. They then ordered sets of numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest …

This year’s Black History Month Theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ As part of this month, Puffins have spent some time researching and reading about a number of different inspirational women, both past and present, who have had a significant impact on our world. They have also looked closely at Sonia Boyce OBE RA, a British …

We all had a turn at sharing the contents of our special boxes with our friends at school. It was lovely to hear about all the hobbies, favourite toys and families in Robins and Bluebirds. Thank you for taking the time to make your beautiful boxes and for gathering all of the things to put …

Topic – The Five Senses | 25 Oct 2023

We had a lovely time exploring the five senses. We tried to identify smells in pots (vinegar, orange, soap and chocolate). We made feely pictures from things like sandpaper, pasta and cotton wool. We led each other around an obstacle course blindfolded. We listened to sounds and tried to identify them. We tasted something salty …
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