Kingfishers News

Kingfishers Orienteering | 19 Mar 2024

Reading maps, remembering images in a sequence, finding points, using a dibber to see who can go around the course in the quickest time. A fun afternoon.

Today, some of the School Council team have been to Leeds to take part in the Outer North West Youth Summit. They had a great day meeting and chatting to a number of local councillors, as well as the Lord Mayor and Leeds Child Mayor. Together they have made some very big decisions about how …

If, like me, you wake up at night crying out for the answer to the question above, then worry no longer. At Tranmere, we care about the quality of everyone’s sleep so have set out to solve the conundrum once and for all. UKS2 have spent the day testing which biscuit (a custard cream, chocolate …

Kingfishers Blitz Art | 04 Mar 2024

Kingfishers have really enjoyed learning all about The Blitz. I think you will agree that their paintings and silhouettes are outstanding. Please come to Kingfishers classroom to see the display.

After running for a term for years 1 and 2, Chess Club started at break time today for years 3 and 4. There were some fantastic games happening this morning! If you’re currently in Red Kites, Woodpeckers or Falcons and would like to come to chess club, it will run in the LKS2 shared area …

Today, the Doves classroom looked a little different; it was blacked out, the tables were arranged in a chaotic juxtaposition and booby traps (trip wires and pressure pads) were set out for the children to try and avoid. This brought our electricty topic to a close. Next up, light.

Kingfishers – ENTRY POINT – World War Two | 17 Jan 2024

Evacuee suitcase. Children were very excited to show their cases or pillowcases with items they thought would be useful and helpful if they had to be evacuated – a real mixture of personal and practical items. We had discussions about how useful a tin of beans would be without an opener and how a newspaper …

Tranmere would just like to say a HUGE thank you to our school council team who have been incredibly busy this term. You can check out all of their first term projects below. School Council Projects 23-24 We can’t wait to see what the New Year brings the team.  

Doves, Kingfishers and Puffins have all had a fantastic afternoon at their Christmas party. A special thanks to the PTA for supplying the children with some fantastic pass the parcels, sweets and prizes!

Kingfishers final Mayan Temples | 19 Dec 2023

Here are the finished temples. We are so impressed with the final models – we hope you agree. We also used Tinkercad to help with our planning and design of our 3D temples.
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