Herons News

In Herons, we have been looking at comparing and ordering objects and numbers to 100. We have used base 10 to help us make the numbers and comparison symbols to help us understand which is greater than and which is less than. We have also learnt how to order the numbers smallest to greatest and …

Today marks the start of Anti-Bullying week for 2022. To show our support, we have all come to school dressed in odd/crazy socks! In classes, we have discussed that this represents how is it cool for us all to be different, and how we should never be unkind towards others because of their differences. Throughout …

KS1’s Muddy Puddle/Outdoor Learning Day (Tuesday 29th November) Tuesday 29th November is KS1’s Muddy Puddle Day for this term. On this day, please do not send your child into school wearing their school uniform. Instead, the children should come to school in clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty. As we will be outside for …

This week school council have been decorating their suggestion boxes! These will be placed in their classes after half-term, ready to be filled with pupil suggestions. Thanks to our year 6 helpers who also helped us decorate these at lunch.

Today, we learnt how to flexibly partition numbers to 100. Some children used base 10 to help them and others pictorially represented the numbers. Other children were able to work the partition mentally. We created numbers sentences and part whole models on our whiteboards.

This month is national Oracy month and alongside this half term’s theme of ‘Be a Speaker,’ the children prepared short presentations about their favourite toys. They focused on the key areas for speaking – speaking clearly and confidently, giving eye contact, talking in full sentences and using intonation to keep the listener interested. We were …

This morning, Herons put on a fabulous show for the whole school to tell them about everything they’ve learnt so far in Year 2. Myself and Mrs Dolan are so proud of each and every one of them for their effort and attitude to putting on such an amazing and memorable class assembly. We hope …

Today our newly appointed school councillors received their badges in assembly! They were all very excited and proud to show themselves off to the whole school. They also took part in their first school council meeting at lunch time, and have been tasked with their first job of finding a box suitable to turn into …

To celebrate Black History Month, we met Gaspard and Adama from Zamble African Dance company. We learnt about their culture, then learnt an African dance and song. The photos show just how much fun we all had – teachers included! Back in class, we discussed the importance of Black History Month and why we celebrate …

Today, Herons practised writing, representing, comparing and ordering numbers to 20. We completed the lesson by recapping our number bonds to 10 and 20. Here we are enjoying our practical maths session!
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