This week in English we read the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels by Quentin Blake. We found out how she turned one ordinary bike into an eye-catching contraption as she went for a bike ride. We re-told the story by completing story maps and using props to act out the story in order. We …

Today our newly appointed school councillors received their badges in assembly! They were all very excited and proud to show themselves off to the whole school. They also took part in their first school council meeting at lunch time, and have been tasked with their first job of finding a box suitable to turn into …

Tonight your child will bring home a reading book. These books have pictures and come with a guide for you to support your child as you look at them together. Please encourage your child to talk about the front cover enabling them to think about what the book might be called. As you move through …

Having Fun With Instruments in EYFS | 06 Oct 2022

Bluebirds and Robins had fun tapping and scraping and shaking instruments and trying to keep the beat. They were SO good at stopping and being quiet when they needed to as well. See if they can sing you the ‘Shake and Stop’ song!

This week in our topic work we have learnt all about how to look after our teeth. We used some of the teddies to demonstrate how to move the tooth brush up and down, whilst placing small amounts of toothpaste on our brushes. We have even made our own dentist in the classroom.  We would …

Today, the first half of our brand new Robins and Bluebirds classes joined us in school.  We are all so impressed with how they settled so quickly.  They were investigating the provision in the classrooms, beginning to learn their new routines and are starting to make new friends too!  The children even enjoyed their first …

Today we have taken part in different activities and enjoyed the outdoors. We have created pictures using natural materials. We also learnt the  Green Cross Code. Then we drew a road with a zebra crossing and took it in turns to cross safely.  We took part in different problem solving tasks making our own ramps. …

What a super day we  have had! We were all very excited as we got onto the coach. When we got to the park we became little explores spotting giraffes, leopards, tigers, lions, and even a polar bear or two. Well done Robins and Bluebirds your first school trip. What an adventure. We are so …

EYFS Trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park | 25 May 2022

Didn’t we have a wonderful time the day we went to Yorkshire Wildlife Park! It was amazing seeing all the animals and the children were a credit to school and their families. Here’s a taster ~ more pictures to come soon.

This summer, Queen Elizabeth II has her platinum jubilee – the longest reign of any British monarch! In the 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways. Each year group at Tranmere Park have researched a decade and created a collage. These collages, collected as one, tell a story …
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