We have brightened up are week by painting amazing rainbows. We talked about the different colours and why rainbows appear in the sky. We learnt how to hold our paint brushes and the water to wash them clean so that colours didn’t mix.    

There was a lot of tapping and dinging and clapping and singing and banging and scraping and clicking and chopping going on in Bluebirds today! We used our new free box of instruments from Artforms Leeds and learned some new songs and rhymes. It was fun!

This week we have been find out about how different people can help us stay safe and healthy. In our classroom we created our own dentist, looked at how to call for the emergency services and used our dressing up outfits to take on different types of roles. In our book area we read the …

This morning we took to the hall to use the bats, balls, hoops and the soft play equipment. We jumped, crawled, balanced, ran on our tiptoes and started to understand how to stay safe when using larger equipment.         This morning we took to the hall to use the bats, balls, hoops …

Busy Bluebirds! | 24 Sep 2021

Well, what a week we have had.  Bluebirds have continued to impress all of their teachers with their behaviour and super effort all week – even though we know that the children are incredibly tired!  We took part in National Fitness Day, where we were picking up pencils with our feet, hula hooping, skipping, jumping, …

Today is National Fitness Day. To celebrate, Robins completed a set of exciting 1 minute challenges to keep us fit and healthy. We were very good at star jumps, squats, lunges and even jumping across the hop-scotch. We had a great time as you can see.  

We have had lots of fun this week settling in and learning about the new routines. We have made many new friends and loved exploring our new classroom.               

We’re here!  All of the Bluebirds joined together for the first time today at school.  We hope these photos help you to see just how much fun the children had getting to know each other.  We are so impressed with how they are all settling in already.  Keep checking back for more updates.
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