Eagles News

Today is World Poetry Day! To help celebrate, School Council have hosted a poetry writing competition. There were lots of amazing entries and they found it incredibly hard to judge! In assembly this morning, 2 winners were announced… Ruby from Herons and Luca from Woodpeckers. A huge well done to everybody that entered! Below are …

After a successful term of running ‘Chill Out Tuesday’ for KS2 children, School Council have now swapped their club to allow Reception and KS1 children to attend. So far, it’s been very popular! The children have loved mixing with each other through playing board games, building models, reading, drawing, crafting and dancing (thanks to DJ …

Comparing numbers in Eagles | 16 Mar 2023

In Eagles today we have used greater than, less than and equal to symbols to compare two numbers within 50. Eagles put lots of effort in to choose the correct symbols to compare their two numbers.

Ephemeral art in Eagles | 16 Mar 2023

On Wednesday afternoon, Eagles created their own ephemeral art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We looked at some examples of his work before venturing outside to create our own.

In maths today, the children used concrete apparatus to find one more and one less than a number to 50. They recognised that they could use their knowledge of numbers to 10 to support their understanding (1 more than 6 is 7 so 1 more than 36 is 37) and began to use a 0-50 …

What a great day! Eagles have had lots of fun reading to their Bear Buddies today. We pretended it was night time in our tent and read by torch light. Our Puffin buddies joined us again and read to us.  

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries across the past few weeks. So far, we have recycled a total of 2553! A big thank you also to our school council team who have been out recycling the batteries at various recycling points after scores have been totalled in …

This afternoon in Eagles we learnt about the four seasons. Using props, we learnt about the kinds of weather and things we might see during the different seasons. We sorted some objects correctly, created our very own season wheel and discussed all the new things we had learnt!

We have been using different equipment to represent multiples of 10.  We recognised that there are 10 ones in 1 ten. After that we represented multiples of ten pictorially.

The school council have signed us up to join in with Duracell’s big battery hunt. Duracell are encouraging pupils up and down the country to recycle their batteries instead of putting them in landfill to help make our planet greener and cleaner. They’ve set schools a challenge to try and collect and recycle as many …
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