Eagles News

As part of our work on addition, today’s mastery group were challenged to create their own ‘part-whole models.’ The children had to select a number and then identify the different parts using practical equipment. The children then used the addition and equals symbols to record their calculations on their whiteboards.  

In Maths, the children have been exploring number bonds. Using practical apparatus, they investigated pairs of numbers that add together to make numbers within 10. The children enjoyed investigating these number facts and worked well to record their findings using the addition and equals symbols. Great work Eagles!

Eagles Exit Point – Art Gallery | 15 Nov 2023

Today KS1 had their exit point for out topic ‘Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!’ Throughout our topic, the children have used pastels, pencils and charcoal to create a wide array of art linked to our work on the seaside. Today, the children showcased their work to Kingfishers class and opened our classroom as an art …

As a team we have created sand sculptures of things we might see at the beach or in the sea. We used different tools to create texture and pattern. We completed our sculptures by adding shells and pebbles.

In art, we have been investigating different pencils and the variety of tones that can be created using these. We have also explored charcoal – experimenting with its dark tone and ability to blend. Linked to our work on holidays, the children drew a cliff using pencil. They then used charcoal to highlight areas of …

KS1 Computing Day

Today, the children had a topic themed day to conclude our computing unit for this half term. During this half term, we have been learning about the different parts of a computer and input devices. To round off our topic, the children investigated, went on a technology safari and invented their own creations which required …

Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …

This year’s Black History Month theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ Throughout this month, school council have been helping to promote this theme through delivering ‘person of the week’ presentations to their class. Each week, they’ve chosen an inspirational individual to talk about with the class, sharing who they are, what they do and why/how they’ve had …

In art, Eagles have been learning about the work of Alfred Sisley, a French artist. Today, we have utilised our pastel skills (from earlier on in our topic) to create our own seaside images in his style. We looked carefully at images of Filey, Whitby and Saltburn by the Sea and drew what we could …

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