Eagles News

To start our new writing unit on instructions, Eagles looked at  a variety of different recipes. We were able to identify some key features of the recipes and looked out for the imperative verbs. We answered the following questions: Why does each recipe have a title? How do you know what you will need for …

KS1 Science – Animal Magic | 24 Nov 2021

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons have been learning about animal groups recently. They learned about the characteristics of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians and sorted animals into these groups. Next, they discovered that animals eat different types of food and can be categorised as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. They used the correct vocabulary excellently in …

Today Eagles class took part in a fun and interactive anti-bullying workshop. The children were reminded that they are each different and that this makes them special. To remind them of this, they learnt a poem called ‘It’s Good to Be Me’. They recognised that they each look different, have different skills and likes/dislikes. They …

Today all of KS1 took part in their first Muddy Puddles day of the year. We spent the day outside taking part in lots of different activities. With Miss Elliott we linked our learning to maths and drew around ourselves and then measured how many leaves long we were. With Miss Bell, Mrs Chavda and …

To begin our new topic, All Dressed Up, we looked at different types of materials that could be woven. As a class we wove paper to create a pattern. We were so engrossed in our task that we didn’t take many pictures! The task was tricky but the concentration was impressive.

We created sand sculpture in small teams. First, we looked at lots of different examples of sand sculpture and discussed how we made sandcastles on holiday. Next, we shaped, moulded and smoothed the wet sand. Finally, we used different tools and decorations to create texture and detail. Can you guess what our seaside sculptures are?

As our exit point, we opened our own art gallery to showcase all of our recent artwork. We were very lucky to have some very special guests – Kingfisher class! The children partnered up and the year ones were given the opportunity to showcase their work to a member of Kingfisher class. They were then …

Today Eagles class have learnt about Black History Month. We talked about key figures today and in history who have achieved great things. We also read an empowering book called ‘Hey You’ which reminds children of their individuality, how special and unique they are, how they can achieve anything they put their mind to and …

This week, Eagles have become artists! Yesterday, the children learnt about the French impressionist artist Alfred Sisley. We looked at coastal images he created and then created our own seaside images in his style using chalk pastels. Today, we have been exploring different art mediums – pencils and charcoal. The children have investigated the different …

In maths we have been ordering numbers from smallest to greatest. We picked number cards at random to order and made unifix cube towers to represent the numbers.
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