Eagles News

Eagles Make Jam Sandwiches | 10 Feb 2022

In writing lessons, we have been learning about instructional writing, particularly recipes. Today we followed instructions very carefully to make a jam sandwich. They were delicious.

KS1 learn more about Islam | 09 Feb 2022

This half term, KS1 have been learning about Islam in RE. To extend our learning, we were very fortunate today to have one of our parents come to talk to us about their religion. She talked to us about the five pillars of Islam. These are Shahadah (declaration of faith), Salah (praying five times a …

In our computing lesson, Eagles discussed how to stay safe online. We looked at many questions, thinking carefully about the theme- ‘Exploring Respect and Relationships Online’. We also read ‘The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin’ and talked about how ‘Smartie’ stayed safe online.

Today, Eagles thoroughly enjoyed a practical 2D shape lesson. The children have learnt to identify 2D shapes and can discuss their properties. In today’s lesson, the children were given a range of shapes and could choose how they sorted them. Some children chose to sort their shapes by size, colour, number of sides and name …

So far in this topic, KS1 have enjoyed learning about the first moon landing and the life of Neil Armstrong. To introduce the next part of the topic, the Great fire of London, Jacob from Codswallop (i.e. Samuel Pepys) visited Tranmere Park to teach us all about the event. During the workshop, we played games, …

In RE lessons, KS1 have been learning about prayer and its importance. Yesterday, Father David from St Oswalds Church visited to talk to us about his job as a vicar. We asked lots of questions and enjoyed listening to his stories (and singing!)

KS1 Science – The 5 Senses | 07 Jan 2022

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons used each of their 5 senses in Science this week. They tasted crisps, lemon and milk and dark chocolate and tried to decide which of them were sweet, sour, salty or bitter. They felt lots of items which were hot, cold, heavy, light, rough and smooth. They smelt a variety of …

Eagles tried to answer the question ‘Do people with the biggest feet have the biggest hands?’ They drew around their own feet and hands and measured them with a non standard unit of measurement – paper clips. We then discovered that having the biggest feet did not necessarily mean having the biggest hands!

As part of our topic ‘All Dressed Up’, the children designed and made their own T-shirts. They used joining techniques such as sewing, stapling, gluing and safety pinning alongside coiling, rolling, fringing and stamping to create their finished product. As our exit point, the children put on a fashion show for Herons and Skylarks. They …

Eagles Trip | 03 Dec 2021

We had a great day at Bradford Industrial Museum. We took part in a workshop where we got to do sorting, combing, carding, twisting and weaving. We had the opportunity to see the mill machines in action and explore the rest of the museum. We had a great day!
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